Chapter 9 Lost and Found

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We ran out of the library. Yoshi couldn't have gotten far without a car. Even so it could take hours to find him. First we checked the places he would go: First the mall, than the beauty supply store, next the animal shelter, and last place I thought he could be, the park. "Where is he?" I sighed as I sat on the park bench. "H-he just up and disappeared. Thats so not like him. He never leaves my side." I cupped my face with my hands. I needed to find him. "What if They took him. I don't know what to do without him." My sighs turned to sobbs. I owed him my life. Smoke pat my back gently. "Don't worry Yami. We'll find him. I promise you we will." Smoke promised. I un cupped my face and looked up at him. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes. I shook them away. Yoshi wouldn't want me to cry. He would want me to keep fighting. I stood up and sighed."Lets go. We need to find where he would be hiding. "We've checked everywhere that he would be. Where else is there?" I scanned the area for potential places for him to hide."Well maybe, he's somewhere we won't find him." Smoke suggested. I thought long and hard. Where would we not find him? "Think Yami, you know him better than I do. Where would he not go.""I'm thinking." I mumbled. I closed my eyes and relaxed. A image appeared. It was Yoshi and some other guy. There was neon lights and loud music. Yoshi and the other guy were talking, but I couldn't hear. In the background there was a sign that read, The Pudding And Pie. Thats a strip club! How did Yoshi get in their? But it was logical. He hates alcohol and isn't interested in girls. "He's in The Pudding And Pie." I opened my eyes and Smokes jaw was on the floor. "What?" I asked"Oh, I'm just shocked that Yoshi's there." Smoke said as he looked off in the distance. He was lying, but there were more important matters. I grabbed his and ran towards a glowing trail of mist. Once I had a location my powers kicked in and I could see a trail that would lead me right to him. As neared the club, I could hear the music booming and the sound of people cheering. Oh god I'm gonna hate this place. I thought. Smoke snuck us in through the back entrance. Clearly how Yoshi got in there. I looked around, The lights were messing with my sight. "Don't worry Yami, I'll find him." Smoke said as he uncovered his red eye. It glowed like the sun. Admitting a radiance that I was drawn too. "There." He said pointing towards the bar. Me and Smoke hurried over. As I got closer I could see his hair. The music messed with my head, causing a pounding headache. Smoke could sense my discomfort. By the time we reached Yoshi I felt sick. "Oh hey Yami." Yoshi smiled. He was sitting next to a man. "Oh this is my friend Kanji. Kanji, Yami, Yami, Kanji." I looked at the man he glared at me. I backed away. "Yami, are you ok? You look a little sick." Yoshi got up and went to help me. But smoke already was holding me up. "She's just a little sick that's all." Smoke smiled. "This isn't exactly her scene." Yoshi noded. "So when are you coming back? Because its almost time to go." Smoke smiled. "Yoshi don't trust strangers." That popped into my head. Was I reading Smokes thoughts. "Plus Yami really needs some help. Especially if she's sick." "But I'm having fun." Yoshi wined. "I don't want to leave." "Yoshi shut the fuck up, stop fucking whining, we need to go!" Smoke thought. I can read his thoughts. But just as that popped into my head, screams erupted from the crowds. People dressed in black body armor rushed in. Strange gas filled the club. My head spun. My vision blurred. The world spun, than in an instant it all went black."I told you we needed to go! Look what happened because you wanted to stay and chat with your boyfriend!Yami passed out! And on top of that she's bleeding! Look at what you did!" The world was spinning, and bouncing. I opened my eye, the tree line became blurry. Pain shot up me as I tried to move. Some was carrying me and yelling at Yoshi. I slowly looked at Yoshi. He's eyes were filled with tears. He had been crying. "I'm sorry. I really truly am." Yoshi cried. "I-I-I-I didn't know that would happen..""You're sorry." Smoke stopped abruptly. He turned and faced Yoshi. "You're sorry." He growled. "Sorry won't help Yami. Sorry won't protect us. Sorry means NOTHING!" Smoke yelled. I mustered up all my strength, "Fighting won't h-h-help either." My voice came out no more than a whisper. "S-s-so stop fighting and just get us hom..." The world went black and all that enveloped me was silence. "Thou get the gift of sight. Undead, be seen by this child's eyes. Thou now hast the Horus eyes. Thou get the gift of sight. Undead, be seen by this child's eyes. Thou now hast the Horus eyes. Thou get the gift of sight. Undead, be seen by this child's eyes. Thou now hast the Horus eyes." The words repeated, over and over again."Get the bandages!" Some yelled. I heard footsteps running away. as the got closer I heard crying. I tried to hold consciousness but the world dimmed and fell into blackness. "You're nothing. We are nothing. I am nothing. I am weak. I have nobody that cares about me. I am completely alone. I am a waste of human life. I should have stayed dead." The voice sounded like mine. It felt like I was the one saying them. A light shoot through the darkness. Standing in the light was a girl who looked like me. Except she had both her eyes. She smiled and repeated the phrase, again and again. As if she was chanting it. "Stop it." I protested. "Stop it! You're lying!" I yelled at the girl. She got louder."I am you, and you are me." The girl laughed as she walked towards me. I was sitting on the ground. I felt tears in my eye. "No your not!" I yelled. "I'm nothing like you." She yanked me off the ground and put a knife to my throat. The tears spilled out of my eye. "Goodbye." She whispered. She plunged the knife into my throat. My body went limp and fell to the floor, lifeless and numb. "Yami? Please wake up." Smoke shook my lightly. I opened my eye. The world was a blur of blacks, whites, and greys. I went to sit up but pain shot up my side. Forcing me to lay down. "Don't hurt yourself, ok? Just relax. You're safe now." I felt the warmth of his hand on my head. "What happened?" I asked hoarsely. My throat burned with protest as I spoke. "Some fucker shot you. And some other fuckers gassed the club." Smoke growled. "If Yoshi had listened to me we could have avoided this. He and Kanji are here don't worry. I wouldn't let them die. But I think Yoshi is terrified of me.""Why?" "Because I killed someone." He sighed. "The shitbird that shot you. I was on him in a flash. My axes tore into his flesh. Ripping him apart, limb from limb. I lost it. Than I almost lost you." He killed that guy. I knew he was a killer but, I never knew it came so easily to him. His eyes shined. The only color I could see was red. His red eye glowed like a beacon. I bit my tongue and sat up. Smoke looked at me. "Lay back down, you're injured and need rest." But despite his protests I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "Thank you. I once again owe you my life." I sighed. "And I have no way to repay you.""You living is payment enough." Smoke smiled. "Now lay back down. I'll go get you something to eat." I obeyed and laid back down. "Yami? Are you ok?" Yoshi peaked out from behind the door. He saw me and ran over crying. "I'm so sorry!" Kanji walked in after him. "Sorry, Man." Kanji mutters. The first words I hear him speak are, Sorry man. "Its ok I'm fine now. It just hurts." I pat Yoshi's head. He was still apologizing. "Its fine Yoshi I'm fine." "B-b-but I got you shot! How can you forgive me?" Yoshi wailed. "You're my best friend. Thats how." I smiled. I sat up and he hugged me. He was still crying. After ten minutes of attempting to calm him down. Yoshi finally stopped crying. Smoke walked in holding a huge bag."Here you guys are. I was looking for you. I brought Wendy's." Yoshi ran and hid behind me when Smoke walked in. Smoke looked hurt. I looked at Yoshi. All I could see was fear in his eyes. "He's not gonna hurt you. Don't worry." I needed to calm down Yoshi, again. It didn't work. Kanji grabbed a bag from Smoke and nodded. He motioned for Yoshi to follow. Yoshi jumped up and ran out the door. "See he's scared of me." Smoke sat next to me and handed me a double bacon cheeseburger. "He'll get over it, eventually."

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