Chapter 4: How Shin Minji got on the university basketball team and dance team

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Third Person's POV:

Minji couldn't contain her excitement as she ran to her girlfriend's dorm room to share the good news. She had made it onto her big sister Ryujin's basketball team and dance team at their university, even though she was just a 1st year student. It was a dream come true for Minji, who had always looked up to her older sister and had followed in her footsteps in both basketball and dance.

Haerin was thrilled for Minji and gave her a tight hug. "That's amazing, babe! I knew you'd make it onto the teams, you're such a talented basketball player and dancer," she said with a smile.

Minji blushed and replied, "Thanks, Haerin. I'm so excited to be playing on the same team as my big sis. She's the captain, you know. And I can't wait to dance with the team too."

Haerin nodded in agreement. "I bet Ryujin is really proud of you. You've always been a great basketball player and dance team captain in high school. I know you'll do great on the university teams too."

Over the next few days, Minji spent her time preparing for her first basketball practice with the university team. She was determined to show her skills and prove to her teammates and coaches that she deserved to be on the team. She also attended dance team rehearsals, where she was introduced to her new teammates and began learning the choreography for their upcoming performance.

When the day of her first basketball practice arrived, Minji was a bundle of nerves. She arrived at the gym early and warmed up, stretching her muscles and practicing some dribbling drills. As the rest of the team arrived, she felt a sense of excitement and camaraderie among the players.

Ryujin was the last to arrive, and Minji couldn't help but feel nervous around her. She looked up to her big sister so much, and she didn't want to disappoint her. But Ryujin gave her a warm smile and a pat on the back, telling her how proud she was of her for making the team.

As the practice began, Minji felt her nerves start to fade away as she got into the rhythm of the game. She played her heart out, showing off her skills on the court and impressing her teammates and coaches with her speed, agility, and scoring ability. Ryujin watched her little sister with pride, cheering her on from the sidelines.

After practice, Minji was exhausted but elated. She had made it through her first day of university basketball practice and had even impressed her sister with her skills. She couldn't wait to see what the rest of the season had in store for her.

Over the next few weeks, Minji continued to work hard at both basketball and dance team rehearsals. She quickly became an integral part of both teams, using her skills and leadership abilities to help motivate her teammates and bring out the best in everyone.

One day, Ryujin pulled Minji aside after basketball practice. "I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you, Minji. You've really stepped up and become a valuable member of the team, and I can see how much you're enjoying yourself."

Minji beamed with happiness at her sister's words. "Thanks, Ryujin. I couldn't have done it without your support and encouragement."

Ryujin gave her a hug. "Just keep doing what you're doing, little sis. You've got a bright future ahead of you."

And with those words of encouragement from her big sister, Minji knew that she was exactly where she was meant to be – playing basketball and dancing at the university level, and making her big sister proud.


A/N: A short update. Feel free to vote and comment about your thoughts on the chapter.

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