Chapter 22: Yeji and San's story (M)

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Third Person's POV:

Yeji and San had been together for nine years, but Yeji had no idea that her boyfriend was actually from the powerful Choi family. San had kept his family background a secret from Yeji, not wanting their relationship to be affected by his family's status and wealth.

One evening, after visiting Haerin and her newborn baby, Yeji and San went back to their condo and started fooling around. They had always been very passionate with each other, but this time was different. Yeji could feel something different in the air, and San seemed more intense than usual.

After a while, Yeji started feeling strange. She couldn't explain it, but she felt different. She didn't think much of it at first, but as the days went by, her suspicion grew. She decided to take a pregnancy test, and it came back positive. Yeji was pregnant.

San was overjoyed when Yeji told him the news. He immediately proposed to her, and they decided to have a small wedding ceremony with only their immediate family in attendance. Changmin, Yeji's older brother, was shocked to learn that his younger sister was pregnant, but he was happy for them. Hyunjin, Yeji's older twin brother, felt the same way with Changmin.

Haerin, on the other hand, was shocked to hear the news. Her older sister was pregnant, and she couldn't believe it. It felt strange to her, as she was still getting used to being a new mother herself.

A few months later, Yeji gave birth to a healthy baby girl. They named her Choi Haeun, which means "great" and "silver". Yeji and San were overjoyed to have a child of their own, and they doted on her every moment they could.

As time went by, Yeji and San's relationship grew stronger. Yeji learned more about San's family background, and she couldn't believe that she had been dating someone from one of the wealthiest and most powerful families in South Korea all along.

Jinni, San's younger sister, was also happy for her brother and sister-in-law. She had always been close with Yeji and was thrilled to be an aunt to Choi Haeun. Haerin, however, still felt a bit uneasy around Jinni. She couldn't shake the feeling that Jinni had a crush on Minji, her wife.

Despite her initial shock, Haerin grew to love her niece, Choi Haeun. She was a doting aunt and loved spending time with her family. As she watched her older sister raise her own child, Haerin couldn't help but wonder when she and Minji would have another child of their own. But for now, she was content with being a new mother and a loving aunt to Choi Haeun.

A/N: Short update. Feel free to vote and comment on the chapter.

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