Chapter 9: Pregnancy and Graduation

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Third Person's POV:

Nine months after their wedding, Shin Jimin discovered that she was pregnant with a baby boy, which made her and her wife Ryujin over the moon with joy. They both eagerly awaited the arrival of their child, decorating the nursery and buying baby clothes, toys, and other necessities.

As the due date approached, Ryujin's little sister, Minji, volunteered to babysit Shin Jaehyung, the newborn son of Ryujin and Jimin. She was excited to help take care of her nephew, and the couple was grateful for her offer.

Finally, the day arrived, and Jimin went into labor. Ryujin was by her side throughout the entire process, holding her hand and offering words of encouragement. After a few hours, they welcomed their beautiful son into the world, and they named him Jaehyung, a name that Haerin, Minji's girlfriend, stumbled upon in the library.

As new parents, Jimin and Ryujin had their hands full adjusting to life with a newborn. They had to learn how to change diapers, feed and burp the baby, and manage their sleep schedules. It was a challenging but rewarding experience, and they both fell in love with their son more and more each day.

Minji helped out whenever she could, coming over to babysit and bringing over food and supplies. She was a natural with babies and loved spending time with her nephew. As Jaehyung grew older, she became more involved in his life, playing with him and teaching him new things.

Meanwhile, Ryujin graduated from her university course in Psychology, a field she had always been passionate about. She was proud of herself for completing her studies while juggling the responsibilities of being a new mom. With her degree in hand, she was ready to start her career and make a difference in the lives of others.

As a final act as team captain of both the basketball and dance teams, Ryujin passed the torch to Minji, her little sister. She knew that Minji had the skills and leadership qualities necessary to lead both teams to success. And Minji was thrilled to take on the challenge, eager to make her sister proud.

As the months passed, life settled into a routine for the family. Jimin and Ryujin continued to dote on their son, watching him grow and develop into a curious and adventurous toddler. Minji balanced her new responsibilities as team captain with her duties as a loving aunt, and Ryujin began her career in psychology, eager to make a difference in people's lives.

Through all the ups and downs, the family remained close, supporting each other through thick and thin. They were grateful for each other and for the love and joy that Jaehyung brought into their lives. And they knew that no matter what the future held, they would face it together, as a family.


A/N: Short Update. Feel free to vote and comment on the new chapter.

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