one ♫

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"Avs, please wake up already!! Im tired of calling your name! Lets go before im late and you are too!", my mom yelled.

Im really not a morning person, so as always I got up grumpy and irritated at the world.

I jumped out of bed and went to do my daily routine.

After I put on a grey shirt, black skinneys, a watch I got last christmas, a beanie because my hair was more frizzy then usual, and my usual high top white converse.

To finish it off, I put on mascara and perfume. Not too much perfume because it makes me nauseous.

"AVA RAE-" "IM COMING MOM!!" I interrupted. I ran downstairs and grabbed a poptart because we were running late.

My mom locked up the house, and we got into the car.

"Mom, when can I get a car? Im tired of riding around in this family SUV wherever I go, its crusty", I explained. She look at me bewildered.

"First of all, what is 'crusty' and second of all you're not allowed to drive until you're 18. I've already told you this.", My mom said.

I rolled my eyes and rolled down the windows.

My mom doesn't want to get me a car yet because shes afraid i'll get into a car accident like my older sister Viviana.

Viviana died when I was only 5, and since then my mom has told me not to drive until im old enough.

In this case, 18 and thats ridiculous.

When we finally arrived at school, and I kissed my mom goodbye I met My Best Friend Alex at the entrance of the school.

"You seem annoyed, not like you're not everyday, but today you seem EXTRA annoyed.", he said.

"Its just my mom, again. Ever since Vivi died, my mom has been uptight about everything.", I said rolling my eyes.

"Avs, give your mom a break shes been through a lot.. every since viviana died." , Alex said. "Whatever", I said walking to first period.


When we got to lunch, we picked up our food and went to go sit in our usual spot. Of course, it was like any other highschool. There were the nerds, the jocks, the populars, and the ones who sorta just blended in, basically Alex and I.

"Hey guys,", Isabella said as she placed her lunch tray on the table sitting down next to me. Isabella is also one of my best friends. She has big hair, like me ( which is how we met ). She also has a "tiny", she claims, crush on Alex. I can tell by when Alex puts his arm around her, she gets bright red.

"Hey Belle, do you want your milk?", Alex asked.

"Umm.. no you can have it," Isabella says. Isabella never gives her milk away, another pointer that she likes Alex. 😉

"Guys imma go get some ketchup, these fries are dry as fuck.", I said getting up from our lunch table.

As I started to walk toward the condiment section I feel something hot go down my shirt.

"What the actual fuck?", I said looking up. I saw this boy i've never seen before.

I mean I have to admit he was hot. Really hot.

"Damn! Im so so sorry!", the hot boy exclaimed.

He placed his tray down and grabbed some napkins to help wipe the baked beans or whatever goo off shirt.

You never know what they serve at my school to be honest.

After he cleaned up my shirt, he looked up and I was glaring at him.

"The whole cafeteria has your attention, happy?", I said sarcastically. He chuckled. "Why the hell are you laughing?!" I said annoyed.

By now the cafeteria was back to normal and talking amongst them self.

"Nothing, nothing. Im Xavier.", he says holding his hand out for me to shake. I look at his hand and look back up.

He tries to play it off by taking his hand on the top of his head and ruffling his hair.

"Listen, I dont want to know you, or be friends with you. You also just made a TERRIBLE impression.", I said rolling my eyes.

He laughs again. I swear to God if he laughs again I will cut a bitch.

"Nothing, you're just really pretty, and you have really nice hair.." Xavier says touching my hair.

I smack his hand away from my hair. "Are you new? Because you're honestly super stupid for a junior.", I insulted. I felt kind of harsh saying that since it was his first day, but he needed to know not to mess or talk to me again.

"Correct, I am new... and you're very uptight. I can already tell.", He says. I rolled my eyes as far as I could to get the message that he should stop talking to me and leave.

"Hey, I never got your name", he said.

"It's Ava. Now, im going to pretend we never met because you're honestly really annoying, and as much as I hate the lunch at this school, I'd rather be eating it then engaging in a conversation with you.", I said.

"Very harsh, words... but its kind of hot when you're mad. See you around Ava.",

He winks while walking away. I'll be sure not to see him around again.

A/N : Hey guys!! Sorry if this was too short !! But anyways if you have an suggestions or anything, please dont hesitate to comment! 💞

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