twenty six. (last chapter)!

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Joseph smiled at his work untying Xavier. He couldn't fight back as his body limply tried to stand up. "And I'll take care of this..." He dragged Xavier towards the door. "Where are you taking him?!" I screamed tears streaming down my face. My heart was beating out of my chest as I began to see an array of different colors. I was lightheaded from crying so much and I felt sick. Not a cold, sick. More of a nausea sick. I didn't know what they were going to do with him. Beat him to death, who knows. I was just so terrified for his life more than mines at this point.

I locked eyes with Xavier. A tear rolled down his face as he struggled to talk. "I did this all for you." I felt my heart drop and break at the sight. He was helpless. His body was struggling to get up as I saw Joseph amused. "I love you." He mouthed before being dragged out the door.

My head throbbed as I sat in silence. My eyes were probably blood shot read by now, and my head was continually pulsing because of how exhausted I was. A few seconds later Joseph walked in cleaning his hands with a handkerchief. "What the fuck did you do to him?" I shuddered as Joseph gave a dirty smirk eyeing me up and down. "You'll see baby." I looked in disgust as he went over to dial a number. "Yup. No. Yeah, I got rid of him." I felt anger build up in my body before I thought of a plan.

"I'm kind of glad you've got rid of Xavier.." I trailed off. He hung up the phone and looked at me in confusion. "What?" I gave a guilty  look as I stared at the tiles on the floor. "I never wanted to be with him. It was all a setup. I never did like him." Joseph furrowed his eyebrows believing my false claims. Those drama classes did pay off.

"Nah, you just trying to get me to untie you." I quickly shook my head no. "No! How do I prove it to you?" I saw him look around as if he were being conspicuous. "I don't know. How do you prove it?" I sighed and looked at my tied up arms. "Untie me, and I'll show you." I whispered giving him a seductive glare. A part of him knew I was lying but another part of him wanted to see if it were true. "No funny business... I promise." I batted my eyelids licking my lips never losing contact.

Joseph sighed and started to untie my arms rope by rope. "Do any crazy shit, and you're going to be with your dead boyfriend." I widened my eyes gasping. "Y-you killed him?" I saw Joseph nod his head. "And? I thought you wanted him gone." I felt tears sting my eyes before I quickly covered it up. He was probably trying to make me believe him. "You're right." I freed my arms twisting my wrist. I then wrapped my arms around Joseph's neck coming close. "I've always wanted you." I lied continuing to massage the back of his neck. He chuckled sitting me back down on the chair. I was still amused at the fact he was believing this. Joseph got in between my legs as he placed his lips onto mines. To get Xavier back, I knew I has to play along.

He kissed several times placing his lips on my exposed neck. I smirked as I looked around for the closest heaviest object. The knife that Joseph threatened me with was near, but not close enough. "Stand up." I demanded still kissing him. I wrapped my hands around his torso pulling him slightly back to where the knife was. I slithered my hand down his back grabbing the knife. "Mm." He moaned. I positioned the knife on his forearm piercing it deeply into his skin. "You fucking bitch!" He yelled. He dropped onto his knees holding his arms. I rushed to the other side of the room struggling to open the door. I turned the knob several times but it still wouldn't budge.

I quickly ran over to Joseph as he was still in pain. I felt his pockets for keys as I felt the chains sound in his front pocket. I grabbed them as there were about 10 keys attached. "Fuck.." I muttered under my breath before starting to check each one. I looked back seeing Joseph limp to this side of the room. I started panicking as my hands were shaking trying to insert the key. "No, no, no." I inserted another key as it slid in perfectly. Right before he grabbed me I shut the door locking it from the outside. Taking a sigh of relief I entered a room with pale white cream walls.

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