six ♫

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• Tyler on the side/up above •

When lunch came around, I met Alex and Isabella at our usual table.

I sat my packed lunch down because I recently stopped getting lunch at the school because it taste like shit to be honest.

When Alex Isabella and I sat down, it was quiet. Awkward quiet. I texted Isabella, it's a girl thing we do if we don't wanna discuss it around Alex.

• Text Message •

Me: Bathroom, Now.

• End of text message •

She looked down at her phone and looked back up at me. Her and I both got up out of her seats and headed to the bathroom. Alex looked confused, but soon caught on.

We walked to the bathroom in complete silence until we reached there.

As soon as we walked into the bathroom, Isabella started balling.

I engulfed her in a hug while she cried on my shoulder. I can feel her tears on my new shirt but, it's all good.

"M-my mom doesn't love me", she sniffled still on my shoulder. I patted her back and comforted her.

"Isabella, you don't have to tell me exactly what happened, but all I know is your mom loves you with all your heart, and nothing will ever change that", I said trying to cheer her up.

"You have people right here that also love you very much, even Alex", I said brightening the mood. She lifted her head of my shoulder & smiled.

"Thank you Ava, I honestly don't know what I would do without you,". Isabella hugged me again and I returned it.


Xavier's POV

I hit my fist on the boys locker room wall. I can't believe I made out with that girl aliyah in 1st period in front of Ava. Im so stupid!!

There's no chance she's going to fall in love with me in one month. I hit the wall again.

I need to call up Joseph to extend the time.

"Joseph!!", I yelled in the phone. I heard a few girls in the back before Nate made his way to the phone.

"What nigga, im busy, you know how Friday is my payday", He said. I can picture him smirking. Gross.

"I need more time," I replied running out of patience. I started to pace again around the locker room.

"Wow, it usually takes you one week. What, this girl think you ugly or something? I wouldn't be surprised." I heard Joseph chuckle through the phone, and I started gripping my hair with my free hand.

"Listen, im not playing your dumb ass games. I need more time and thats final. I dont get the time? I quit. And all you stupid niggas know im the BEST worker for your sick company. Now find me more time, or im out."

I ended the call and put my phone back in my back pocket. I griped my hair again and stopped pacing. They NEED to find me more time. I'm not that stupid to quit honestly.

I just hope this plan goes my way.


Ava's POV

After school I said my goodbyes to Alex and Isabella telling them to text me later.

I then forgot about after school with Tyler and the freestyle. I know I was pretty cocky when I was talking to him, but I don't know if im even on his level of dancing.

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