twelve ♫

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Alex's POV

Before we went home from the movie theater, Isabella told me she was going to use the restroom. "I'll miss you." I said kissing her lips.

She rolled her eyes playfully and walked to the bathroom. I then went to get some more snacks because im always hungry after the movie.

"Alex?" I turned around and met eyes with a former girl I messed around with in the company. My eyes widened as I saw Brianna.

She walked up to me slowly. "Long time, no see" She said putting on some weird smelling lip gloss.

I gulped and looked around to see if Isabella came out of the bathroom yet. "You know, the whole company is after you." she said wrapping her fruit roll up around her finger. "Also your other little friend. Who is it? Oh yeah, Xavier." She smirked.

"What do you want? Haven't I got rid of you already." I said bluntly looking for Isabella.

She came close to my ear. "Just watch out potterhouse." She walked away and I didn't feel hungry anymore.

Isabella came out of the bathroom and it instantly cheered me up. I love her so much.

"What's wrong?" She asked in confusion. I shook my head.

"Nothing, just tired. Are you ready to go?" I lied. I couldn't tell her yet, or else she would be worried and scared and I wanted her to feel comfortable around me.

She nodded and we made our way our way out.

Ava's POV

We got to the mall and Xavier gave me 2,000 bucks to get whatever I want.

"No, Xavier I cant." I said giving him back the money. He closed his eyes.

"Baby, I have millions. Just take it." He said. I debated on whether I should take the money or not. He rolled his eyes.

"Fine, how about you don't even see any of it, but I pay." He suggested.

"Fine, but we're only spending 100 or 200. No more." I said firmly. He laughed.

"I love you so fucking much." He took my hand and we looked around for stores.

"Hey lets go in here!" He said excitedly. He dragged me into Victoria's Secret. He picked out random bra's and revealing underwear.

"What about this?" Xavier held up a thong. My cheeks got red and my eyes widened.

"No stop I don't even know how to wear those." I mumbled embarrassed. He laughed and put them down.

"Oh my god it's so easy all you have to do is-"
I put my hand up cutting him off.

"I don't want to know know." I said cringing. He deeply chuckled and we bought what I picked out.

After we went in more stores to buy me clothes we decided to leave because it was starting to get late.

"I don't want to go to school tomorrow." I said rolling my eyes. Mainly because I didn't want to wake up tomorrow early and go to my stupid periods.

"Im not going tomorrow." He said pulling out of the driveway.

"Why not?" I asked putting on my seatbelt. He sighed.

"Well, first it's almost summer break after this week, so nothing is really happening. And second, I have straight A's so I don't need to worry about anything." He said smirking.

"Straight A's? I have all A's and one B and I hate it." I said leaning on the window. He smiled.

"Im smarter than you. Street smart, and book smart." He joked. I rolled my eyes.

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