ten ♫

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Ava's POV

Xavier & I arrived at the party, and before we got inside we can hear the music from all the way where we were parked.

He opened the door for me and we walked inside. I was greeted by people I've seen at school, but never did try to say hi.

"Ava, you came!!", Tyler said hugging me lightly. In the corner of my eye I saw Xavier bluntly roll his eyes in jealousy. He looked at Xavier.

"Boyfriend?," Tyler asked sipping a beverage in his red cup. Xavier nodded.

"Yes,". He pulled me to his side by my waist tightly. Tyler laughed and looked at us both smirking.

"She's a keeper bro, don't hurt her," Tyler said taking another sip from his red cup. He was slightly drunk to the point where his voice started to get rusty.

Xavier tightened his grip on my waist."What is that supposed to mean." I coughed awkwardly and told Tyler I would see him later in the party. I pushed Xavier to the side.

"What the fuck Xavier, why are you acting so jealous around guys talking to me," I said looking into his eyes. He chuckled.

"Let me remind you, they're friends nothing more," I said crossing my arms looking into the crowd. He brought his face to mine.

"Because your mine, no one else's, friend or not," he said close to my face.

"And everyone needs to know your mine baby girl, forever and always." He nibbled on my cartilage.

I held back a moan. "Okay, not now Xavier we're at a party."

"Haven't you seen house parties they do worse things like-"

I cut him off and put my hand up."I dont, want to know, thanks."

I pulled him toward the drink area and we got our drinks. "Ew, why beer?", I said cringing.

"Because I dont know maybe I like it. Why sprite what are you in the 7th grade," he laughed taking a sip of his beer.

I already knew I was going to be the one driving home tonight.

'Ass fat, yeah I know. You just got cash? Throw some mo'

I put down my sprite and grabbed Xavier's hand. "I love this song Xavier lets go dance!"

We cut through sweaty drunk bodies. "Ayyy!" I yelled getting turnt. I started to dance on Xavier and we danced through 3 songs, then we took a break.

"That was super tiring," I said about to take a sip of my sprite. Xavier stopped me.

"No, don't. I'll get another one for you," he said walking to get me a new drink. He handed it to me and I smiled.

"Why'd you do that," I asked cracking it open. He shrugged.

"Someone could've put something in it will we were dancing. I don't want anything to happen to you," he said looking at people dance.

"Awww you care," I said in a mocking voice smooching his face up and holding it with my hand. He rolled his eyes and stuck his lips out.

"Kiss?", he pouted. I laughed and kissed him. He pulled me into a tight hug and ran his hands over my butt.

"Lets go home, yeah?", He asked squeezing my butt. I nodded and went to go get my bag in the designated area.

"Hey baby," this boy around my age said backing me into the wall. I tried to break free when his face came close to mine.

"Here alone?", he asked tracing his finger up along my arms. I got goosebumps and tried to see if Xavier was coming but all I saw were strobe lights everywhere. Deja Vu.

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