thriteen ♫

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Isabella's POV

It was finally the last day of junior year until senior year.

I was mainly excited that I didn't have to see these idiotic children again.

"Babe!" Alex pushed me against the walls and pinned my hands over my head. I smiled.

"Yes?" I asked innocently looking at his perfectly made lips. He smirked.

"It's almost summer. You know what that .was means.." I smiled wider.

"VACATION!" I semi-yelled. Everyone gave me weird stares but continued to walk down the hall. He laughed and put his finger to his lips.

"Shhh, you're so loud. And yes Vacation, more importantly the beach, even more importantly, you in a bikini." He winked and ruffled his hair.

"You're such a boy." I struggled out of his hold and we proceeded to walk to our last period of the day.

"Ava!" I yelled running up to her in Math. She smiled.

"I felt like we haven't seen each other in ages! Lets hang out at my house. Watch a movie? Prank call?" I excitedly said jumping up in down.

"You're such a child Isabella." The teacher came in, and we immediately went back to our seats.

He did some weird algebra that Ava and I didn't understand, like usual. I looked over at Alex and he was doodling horses.

"What are you drawing?" I mouthed to him. He silently laughed and shrugged his shoulder.

"I really don't know," he mouthed back. I gave him a weird look and payed attention back to the teacher.

"Isabella?" The class turned their attention to me. "What does X equal?"

My eyes widened. "Psss" I heard this kid I've never seen before.

I looked at his sheet of crumpled paper and called out the answer. "21?" The teacher gave a pleasant look.

"Yes, the answer is 21" He continued to work on the board calling on other students who weren't paying attention.

"Thanks," I whispered to the mysterious looking boy. He nodded.

"No problem... I'm August, like the month." I laughed at his joke and smiled.

The class ended and it was finally summer vacation. "YESSS." I said dragging Alex and Ava outside.

"Lets go to the beach, yeah?" Alex and Ava stood there as if I were crazy.

"Are you crazy? Do you know how much months we have until senior year starts? Don't worry about it now Isabella." Ava waved goodbye and walked away.

"Shes a buzzkill... anyways, wanna go?" I asked going back to excitement.

"Isabella, Ava's right. We still have time. Don't worry about it," He laughed. He gave me a kiss on my forehead and told me he would see me later.

I groaned. I hope this summer was going to be worth it.

Xavier's POV

I decided to not go to school on the last day because it would be stupid to. Who wants to go to school on the last day. Hell, any day?

"Xavier, do you mind going to Von's really quick to get me some groceries?" My mom came through the door tired from work.

I hate grocery shopping, but I couldn't say no. "Of course ma." I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she gave me a list of things she wanted.

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