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Ava's POV

"Fucking bitch ass nigga," I muttered under my breath.

I continued to walk as fast as I could, but my sight was blinded by my tears.

This LA trip was turning out to be awful. I just want to see Rhianna, my queen and leave.

"Babe! Is everything okay?" Dylan ran up to me and open arms.

"I'm fine, i'm fine." I wiped my tears with my free hand. "It's just allergies," I lied.

Dylan scoffed. "For some reason, i'm not buying it. What's wrong?"

I couldn't tell Dylan I saw my ex boyfriend. No way.

"Dylan i've already told you this! It's allergies." I rolled my eyes and got out of the hug.

Dylan looked hurt but backed off. "Fine. But you know if you ever have a problem you-"

"You can always talk to me, I know." I softened my face expression and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you for being supportive though, Dylan." He gave a half smile and raised a brow.

"Anything for my baby. Lets go home and get ready for the concert, yeah?"

Almost forgetting, I nodded my head violently.

"YES YES YES!" I grabbed his hand and started running to the main exit of the mall.

When Dylan dropped me off at home, I hurriedly did my daily hygiene and sighed looking in the mirror.

I agreed on just leaving my hair natural because, why not? Fuck it. ( I was too lazy anyways)

I concluded on a black v neck crop top, a short knitted pencil skirt, and a long black cardigan. (Ava & outfit in media) 👆🏾

I heard a honk outside and I instantly knew It was Dylan.

I quickly got my phone and took a quick snapchat titling it 'LA life. 🌴' cheesy, I know.

I grabbed my clutch and met Dylan outside the door.

"Damnit Ava. You never fail to disappoint." He held out his hand and I gladly took it.

"What can I say?" I said flipping my hair jokingly. Dylan opened the car door for me and he rushed to the other side.

"Ready to see your queen?" Dylan said fiddling with his aux card.

"Hell yeah I am!" I excitedly exclaimed.

I held a red cup in my hand as I danced along to American Oxygen. My cup was filled with sparkling water so it would seem like I had vodka. Just to be cool.


I laughed along with him. "Babe. I'm going to the restroom, k." He nodded as I maneuvered my way through the crowd.

I then started walking to the bathroom when I saw a familiar poof of curls.


He turned around and my heart instantly started to beat.

The same handsome face, and the same untamed yet cute curls.

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