twenty one.

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Xavier's POV

The day after, I decided I would quit the company. I've been with them since I was 15, so It was going to be really difficult to break it to Joseph. Again. I knew that this was right to do because now that Ava and I were sorta of a thing, I knew this was the only thing to do to prove that I still and will always love her.

"Look. I just can't do this anymore. I only did it for the money." I said truthfully. I had enough money working for the company, that all the years I've been saving up. So financially, I had no issues.

Joseph tapped his pen on his marble desk. Joseph being the boss, and one of my best friends was not too approving of this decision. "Xavier. You were one of our best guys here, and you do this? I feel honestly betrayed."
I tried to hold back rolling my eyes so I just tapped my foot quietly on the ground trying to control my hidden anger.

"Betrayed? What this company is doing is sick. I don't want to be apart of it any longer, and that's my final decision." I was shaking inside scared of what him and his dumb ass goons would do to me, but at this point I didn't give a fuck.

"Hmm." He tapped his pen faster and looked at me amusement swirling in his eyes. "Is it because of one of your bitches? What's her name? Oh. Ava." He snapped throwing his pen in the trash and grabbing a fresh one.I gulped and fisted my hands making sure not to lash out. At least not yet.

"You're really pushing it, Jo." I warned. My palms were now probably red, but I didn't care. All I cared about was punching this dumb ass in the dick for calling my girl a bitch.

Joseph let out a quiet snicker that got louder each second. "What are you going to do, Jacob? I mean come on. We all know you and that little girl won't last long. I wouldn't be surprised if you got into that whore's pants yet." That was it. I felt myself run over and put Joseph in a chokehold.

"HEY!" Nate yelled barging into Joseph's office. Nate grabbed my hoodie and pulled me back. I wanted to have him lose grip off of me so I can try to beat Joseph's ass more.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Nate yelled at me. He pushed my chest onto the wall and grabbed a hold of my collar. Through my periphery, I can see Joseph struggling to cough. I held in a laugh as Nate continued to yell at me.

"Are you even listening to me?! One of those stunts can get you killed!" I got out of his grip and smoothed out my hoodie. It was one of those drake hoodies, so it was fucking expensive. I didn't need Nate's wimpy ass trying to mess it up.

"I don't give a fuck. Shoot me for all I care." I threw up my hands in surrender. "Oh yeah, and tell Joseph if he ever, ever talks about Ava again, I'll fucking kill him next time." I proudly walked out of the room with my head held high. I haven't been this happy since I saw Ava.
My ego definitely got boosted up.

"The fuck are you looking at?" I glared at one of the bald fat security guys. I wanted them to know who was the boss now.

I heard light footsteps come towards me as I turned around to see Nate. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" He questioned. I sighed and largely smiled.

"Anywhere but here my nigga." I smirked and threw the papers off the desk. I knew I was making a scene, but now that Joseph could't control me and boss me around, I finally felt free again. I proudly walked out as I heard Nate yell from a distance. "You're going to regret this, Xavier."

Ava's POV

After Alex & Isabella left the house, I heard a faint knock on the door. I was kinda worried since I was home alone. Every since I was a child I always thought there was monsters at the door. As silly as it sounds.

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