two ♫

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• Xavier on the side •

- Ava's POV

The next day, I woke up remembering yesterday about xavier. Honestly, he's super dumb, but super attractive. He's got brown eyes that you can get lost in, ( as cliche as it sounds ). And amazing, I mean amazing hair, that looks like a pillow, I bet it even smells like heaven mixed with- "Ava, are you up?", my mom called from downstairs interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah, im about to get ready right now.", I responded. I did my daily routine, and wore a black sweatshirt that said adias, some regular blue skinny jeans and my usual white converse, nothing special considering I hate school.

I went downstairs and ate my eggs bacon and toast. "Hey honey, how did you sleep?", mom asked. I do actually give props to my mom because she works hard and comes home late at night to make money for our small family. "I slept fine, except for that part when I woke up and had to go to school.", I said rolling my eyes. "Listen, I know you don't like school but youre a junior. In just one more year, you'll be out so stop complaining Ava.", she scolded. She was kinda right but I didnt want to admit it.

When my mom dropped me off at school I saw Xavier getting out of his own car. Lucky asshole. "Hey, Ava!", he yelled trying to catch up to me. I rolled my eyes and slowed down to walk with him to the entrance of the school. "You walk fast", he said. "What do you want?", I asked out of annoyance. "Nothing, damn I cant say hi?", he laughed? This nigga laughs too much.

"Hey, do you mind walking me to first period?", he asked. "Why? Wasn't your first day yesterday? You should know where it is.", I said. He was silent. "True.. I kinda just wanted an excuse to talk to you." My face turned bright red. "Fine, i'll walk you", I replied forgetting about meeting Alex at the entrance of the school.

"So what's your favorite movie?", He asked making conversation. "Well, I really like the movie parent trap, or it might seem weird, but I really like shrek 2.", I admitted. He chuckled. "What the fuck?", he said between laughs. "Shrek 2?", he laughed. "Shutup, it's an inspirational movie", I said laughing for the first time.

"You should come to my house after school today, I have the movie.", He stated. "YOU HAVE SHREK 2?!", I said gasping. "Haha, yeah. If you come over we can watch it, and maybe do other things.", xavier said winking. I punched his arm. "You're freaking nasty!!", I exclaimed. He let out a chuckle.

"Okay, here I walked you, now can I leave.", I said. "Yeah, I'll see you at lunch," he said. "Who said you can sit with me", I said crossing my arms. "I invited myself, and by the way, you look cute when you cross your arms.", he said smirking. "Why do you always smirk", I asked. "I don't know I guess it "turns" girls on", he said laughing. "HA, not me, try again next time," I said rolling my eyes playfully.

"Whatever, ill see you at lunch, mami", he said walking into class. He called me fucking mami. I mean I cant lie, it was hot as fuck, but I cant give him the satisfaction. Hes annoying, but cute at the same time. I need to make up my damn mind. I started to walk to my first period confused to whether I like Xavier or I dont.


When 4th period rang, I waited for Alex at his last period where we usually walk together. "Where were you in the morning?", Alex asked. "Oh, I haven't told you. I met this guy named Xavier. Hes new and he needed my help showing him around, so I did.", I explained. "Oh yeah, and he's going to eat lunch with us today.", I said grabbing my lunch tray.

Alex let out a small sigh. "Come on Ava, we already have our squad, why do we need a new member? Haven't you heard drake's song where he says no new friends no no-" "Shut up Alex, he's not a new member he's probably just trying to fit in.", I said rolling my eyes.

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