Scott, Kira and Stiles exited the elevator. They ran into Sheriff Stilinski. Bodies were being rolled onto stretchers and Stiles asked, "Who found them?"

The sheriff looked at his son. "Argent. And he said the Doctors were down there. He also said you guys might know what this thing is."

"We've got a theory," Scott told him.

"It's a slightly terrifying theory," Stiles added.

Sheriff Stilinski nodded. "Well, the ME said that victims were killed somewhere else and then dumped in those tunnels."

Scott took a moment to think. "Hey, what if the Dread Doctors are hiding the bodies?"

Kira frowned. "Why would they do that?"

Stiles shrugged. "Maybe they're covering for it. Protecting it like a parent would."

"Protecting what?" the sheriff wondered.

"A werewolf?"

Kira nodded. "It's called the Beast."

The sheriff stared at each of them with a slightly horrified expression. "We know," Stiles said. "Horrifying."

"We better figure out what we're gonna call Parrish. Because it looks like his dream is coming true," Sheriff Stilinski said.


Lydia shrieked and Meredith sighed in annoyance. "I said use your hands. I didn't say punch the gate."

"It's all a little new to me so, don't hold back on specialty," Lydia retorted.

"Your hands can guide your voice. They can help push it towards the target. Try again."

"How did you learn?" Molly asked.

Meredith shook her head. "You have to find your own way."

"What if your way works for me too?" Lydia questioned.

"Lydia, find your way."

Molly scoffed. "You know none of this is real, right? Our bodies are lying in a room down the hall staring at the ceiling. Lydia, you have to figure this out."

Meredith screamed and shoved the girls into the back of a cell. "Did that feel real?"

"What are you doing?" Lydia asked.

The gate clicked, locking them in. "You two want out? Break the glass."

Molly shot Meredith an irritated look. "It's not just glass. It's bullet-resistant polycarbonate."

Meredith looked at Lydia. "So make your voice a bullet. Break the glass."

Lydia narrowed her eyes. "Break the glass. You... You're kidding, right?"

Meredith stared at the girls. "Look, I promised I'd help and I will."

Meredith continued trying to teach Lydia how to use her voice as a weapon. Lydia grew increasingly frustrated. "Meredith, please. Tell us how you did it."

"You have to find your own way," Meredith repeated.

"Why can't you tell us yours?" Molly asked in an irritated tone.

"Because my way got a lot of people hurt. Some days it was quiet for me. Other days, all I could hear was screaming. People dying."

"What people?" Lydia inquired.

"Everyone. Everywhere. I was at Chemistry class when it happened. I had my hands over my ears. The teacher was trying to figure out what was wrong. I took my hands and I started hitting the desk, until I couldn't take it anymore and I just screamed."

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