The Princess of Treason

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We turned the container and portaled our way home to Asgard. As we arrived we were quickly greeted by many guards that took custody of Loki. I gulped and stayed close beside my brother, luckily seeming to not be the target of attention. As we walked the halls I felt an arm quickly grab mine and pull me behind a wall out of sight. Their other hand wrapped around my mouth and he held me to the wall.

"Aren." I mumbled in relief as he shushed me. I moved his hand and looked around. "What's going on?" I whispered.

"You will be taken into custody in the throne room, mi'lady." He said lowly and I sighed knowingly. "The Allfather had the men find out what you were up to in your absence. Despite knowing who had you he decided your treachery was too great to ignore."

"I am not surprised." I sighed. "How come you are warning me?" I asked curiously.

"Because, Y/n. I believe that despite your actions, you'd never have been placed in harms way had it not been for me. I am just as at fault as you are. I will accept the punishment as you will." He stated and I shook my head.

"No. This is my doing and not yours..." I stated. "I also have no intentions of being held captive in a place I used to call home. I've been stuck in captivity all my life from here in the palace to Thanos's ship. I have bigger things to deal with then to rot away my life inside a cell."

"Whatever you decide, Mi'lady. I am at your service." He raised an arm and crossed his chest.

"You will be committing treason if you follow me." I reminded him.

"I have nothing holding me here. I also figure you may want a way out and I have one." Aren grinned showing me the key to my old ship. "She lays just out of town, readied with new numbers so we won't be tracked. I also have made a few calls to some friends in other galaxies and I have places for us to go."

"Ah, I've always admired you, Aren." I smiled and took the keys.

"Come now and we can escape." He said quickly as he grabbed my hand and began to pull us down the hallway. I planted my feet and shook my head.

"I need to see my brother's sentencing as well as I must say goodbye to Thor and my mother. I can't leave without doing so." I explained wholeheartedly and Aren sighed.

"I do not believe you grasp the severity that if you walk into that room. You will be taken prisoner and it will much harder to escape."

"You doubt me and my abilities, Aren." I chuckled. "Remember what happened when I was a child?"

"You said never to speak of it again, Princess." He mocked and I laughed.

"When those roughians tried to take me prisoner to sell me for units after I went off on my own and you attempted to rescue me." I shivered as I remembered vividly how it felt when they touched me. "And as you fought them off one by one and then you found me and had to make the choice of stabbing that Alien through my very own stomach in order to rescue me. You thought you made the right choice because you thought I had used my abilities to trick them. But you actually stabbed me."

"Thank you for speaking the story aloud." Aren rolled his eyes. "And it turns out that you did trick me into thinking I killed you because your brother told you it was a top of the line trick. So please tell me we are not about to do that again. I don't believe your mother's heart could bare to believe she lost you again."

"No of course not. But I am saying I will allow an illusion of myself to be taken captive while we hide in the throne room." I rolled my eyes and Aren sighed loudly in relief.

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