[20] Ach, Mein Herz

86 3 11

[7:00 PM - [Y/N]'s Residence]

Earl grey tastes like shit.

At least that's what [Y/N] thinks.

They've accidentally slipped up to Kristoph about this. He isn't exactly thrilled to hear that. Poor guy - sort of. Not that he cares much, right?


[Y/N] is on the phone with the attorney since they wanted to schedule a time for them to meet up, his brother being present is optional but preferred. He plays a role in this as well. [Y/N] is currently sitting on their couch in the living room, legs propped up on the clear coffee table as the television shows a drama they aren't bothered enough to care about.

"Oh, right. Sorry to ask this but like, you know I'm tight on finance..."

"It's no problem, I understand. You don't have to worry about money, I can afford anything you need in the meantime." The man says, "do you need anything to keep at your apartment as of now? Any necessities?"

Without hesitance, [Y/N] speaks out, "food. I need a long-term meal in this prison cell. Drinks too, I can't stand drinking tap water anymore. It's like I'm being held hostage here." Their legs fall back onto the carpeted floor. 100% serious.

He doesn't answer, going pin-drop silent.



"Oh. Well... I have an extra package of earl grey tea sachets with-"

"No. Earl grey tastes like shit."



Kristoph sighs, "... alright. No need to say such vulgarity. I'm free this weekend if you wish to go shopping with me. I'd gained a bit of information to share with you."

[Y/N] ponders for a bit. Their notebook is open on the table, with a pen resting on the inked pages. Maybe they can spend more time with Kristoph by discussing it with him as well.

Lonely enough to even want to spend time with Kristoph Gavin, that's insane. Not that they're complaining much.

They accept the offer, "sure, I have a few things to talk to you about too. Just hit me up whenever." Their eyes wander to the ceiling, eyes locking on the spinning fan. The locus is really hypnotizing...

"Do you want Klavier to join us?" The man asks. "Huh?" they said, "sorry to say but I prefer not. The first time we met I got in the headlines for simply walking beside him." They pinch the bridge of their nose.

Kristoph slightly laughs, "ah, I see. I'll inform him then. Perhaps you can come by our residence to see him, apologies for not thinking of the consequences."

[Y/N] eyes are still following the locus of the fan, "no, it's fine. He's a nice guy, I would wanna hang out with him too." The white noise from the TV is lowered with a push of a button.

The curtains are drawn, and the lively night illuminates the lower half of the city. Kristoph says, "Alright, I see it's settled then. I'll confirm the time and tell you. I will pick you up."

"As usual, then."

"Yes, I'll talk to you soon. Goodbye."

"You too, bye."

[Y/N] drops their phone from their ear when a beep sounds signaling the end of the call. It only lasted a few minutes. Other than insulting the man's favorite drink, it went pretty well. They get up from the couch and walk towards the glass wall to look outside.

The scenery is stunning. Lines and dots of red light glow from below, and buildings scrape the sky with additional colorful lighting in most window panels considering it's approaching nighttime. Traffic is heavy since it's rush hour currently. It doesn't look at all chaotic, though. Kind of reminds [Y/N] of ants in some way...

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