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"Your highness

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"Your highness..", she mumbled slowly,

"-you are satan's son?"

A cold shiver ran down her spine at the memory. The words replayed in her head, again and again.
She couldn't believe it.
Of course, now it all made sense to her. It made sense that his appearance differed so greatly from those of the other demons, that his wings were so much bigger, more graceful, more enthralling, darker.
It made sense that his eyes sparked in onyx and burgundy, it made sense that Jisung was so strong and powerful and it just couldn't be worse.

It had been bad enough for her to like a demon, but to like satan's son? Hell, no.

She had to do something about this.

Of course, she could just leave the hunter department and save herself from the trouble she would be getting in for being involved with satan's son as a hunter herself.
But that would probably mean the end of her friendship with both of her best friends, Mark and Renjun.

They would never forgive her for interacting with a demon, especially the one that originally wanted her dead, especially hell's prince.
Renjun would never forgive her for liking Jisung instead of him. He wouldn't get it, either.
Even she didn't get it, but it couldn't be changed.
She felt helpless, at the mercy of her very own feelings.

In conclusion; that meant cutting off contact with Jisung.

She wouldn't have a chance with him anyway.
It was too risky and she had no idea how he felt about her, saving her friendship and probably herself sounded like the safer option.

She sighed tiredly, pounding head in her palm before she ran her fingers through her slightly tousled hair.
It hurt, so badly. When did it get this bad?

Was this all just in her head?
Was he really satan's son? Did he really have to be satan's son?

Couldn't she just have been in love happily, carelessly? Was she in love, even?

She disregarded the notification that lit up on the phone in her hand once again, knowing all too well it was probably a message from Jisung.
It hurt.
She didn't want to check it, didn't want to be tempted to just throw all her recent decisions overboard and see him again.
Yet her eyes jumped down, for the fraction of a second, to see the small pinkish icon pop up on the device.

Jisung had brought her home after the assault.
He had carried her all the way since she had been too weak from the physical exhaustion and the lack of food and sleep the previous days.
She hated the way he cared for her, it made things more difficult.
It made her like him even more.

It was either her feelings or her friends, her family, her life and safety.
Wouldn't it be foolish to choose him, their friendship, her feelings or whatever, over everything she had been building up these past months and years, even?

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