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I have finally arrived to where I have always wanted to be. Not this particular place but far away from my own family, from that town. Finally I get hold of my peace of mind and freedom. I'm gonna be happy this time for sure.
It's been 2 weeks since I arrived at my second elder brother, Aariz's place. Yes, I could not get rid of all my family members!!
He is in his late twenties and works as a secretary manager in a food company. Thankfully we don't look much alike since I take over to our mother in terms of looks and he takes over to our father. In short I am more good looking than him. He is no less though, although I hate to admit. Perfect height, olive skin tone, beard girls would give away their lives for, brown eyes and messy curly black hair still I look much better because I don't like him just like my any other family member. Since I'm still young and unemployed and no matter how much I loathe them, I would still need them, atleast the money and place until I earn my own which was the hardest pill for me to take. I had no other option and he is nicer compared to other family members specially our eldest brother. ~

It's a Sunday. I'm walking alone across the roads since I have nothing much to do. Trying to admire and observe things around me. There's this one street to the right which caught my interest since the day I came. I never went there since it wasn't a Market place and quiet places might not be safe for a girl who's all alone. Although I can listen to some kids playing cricket from afar, still, why take an unnecessary risk? Today for some reason my interest or you can say my curiosity reached it's peak and I chose to walk down the street hoping I don't get caught in some unnecessary stuff not because I'm afraid but I have no more spiritual energy left in me to deal with dramas anymore. I didn't come here all the way from a small town somewhere in North-east India to a big city somewhere in South India for any of those to repeat. So, yes I'm taking precautions. My peace of mind over any risk but the thrill in life was missing at the same time. So, I didn't think much and started walking down the street path. As I went deeper, a bunch of 4 or 5 kids near the age of 8-9 years came by my side laughing and giggling. Before I could make sense of anything what was happening, they took my left hand, pointed out my pinky finger and tied a long red string to it. Before I could ask what were they up to, they started running back and took a right turn by the corner of the street. I was standing there wearing a half-sleeved long white frock on my straight, tall, fair and thin body which I'm insecure about. A pair of casual white slippers with cute heart shaped on its top carrying a long side tote bag with me. The only part about my body which I like is thankfully my pretty face with beautiful brown eyes which comes with a hint of darks circles and fine lines under them; one of my other insecurities, a beautiful nose, natural light pink asymmetrical lips with not so perfectly lined up set of teeth; my another insecurity which thankfully balances with dimples when I smile and my long brown hair which was bare open at the moment. It's not like I don't love myself but my insecurities are way too much. My insecurity slowly vanishes as I feel curious and little excited to see what was waiting for me at the other end of the red string. I step forward and take the right turning, my black-brown eyes meets the medium sized black shiny eyes of a dusky guy with straight black messy hair (the hair length is neither too long nor short; perfect!) with the same curiousity in his face. Since he is sitting on a piece of rock, I couldn't figure out his height. His pinky finger is tied with the same red string as mine.
'Oh God! Is this my moment out of a romance book? But what shall I do?' I panic inside my head. It's not like I'm gonna fall in love at first sight. The 'me' who loves fictional romance and the real life me are complete opposites. The real me has fear of men, issues with developing romantic feelings, abandonment issues, attachment issues, fear of intimacy, trust issues, commitment issues and most importantly overthinking which I'm doing right now over a slight prank pulled by some kids. What about the red strings of fate? Is this only a coincidence? What about the hopeless romantic in me thinking I just encountered something really fateful? What about my long brown hair starting to move at the beat of the wind? What about the eye contact we have been making all while I was overthinking all these in my head?
'Jasmine Ali' snap back to reality before you embarass yourself any further and couldn't even face yourself in the mirror. I snap back and so does he by the giggling of the kids which I couldn't even hear few seconds ago.
The awkwardness suddenly hits in. I hesitate but I try my best not to show it on my face and speak up something. Before I could say anything, he stands up and comes my way, still tied with that red string. He gives a bright childish smile with his medium sized natural peach tan lips which looks so soft and attractive for some reason and an all equal set of pearly whites, smile which felt like sunshine, a smile so pure, I have seen for the first time in my life. How is his smile so perfect? And why am I observing everything about him in such detail? He stands right infront of me with our fingers still tied. I feel nervous now, for the first time infront of a guy, because of a guy and it's nothing to romanticize about. I feel a little offended.
"Hey" he speaks. A sweet sensible voice just as I expected. It suits his face specially his cute short height. Even shorter than mine which seems cute to me. He probably is either 5'5 or 5'6. I'm 5'8 by the way and I am not flexing at all. Many people think I do. That aside, he even seems quite younger than me. I don't usually observe guys in such detail but for some reason, he seems kinda cute and I'm a sucker for soft fictional sunshine boys. They melt my outer icy layer without even trying much and he kind of fits in the role. Not that he is melting me. Never. I will just agree he is cute.
He continues with a half awkward and half friendly smile, "that". . he points towards my pinky finger and lifts up his too. . "Sorry for this, it's just my friends. . I mean these kids, they love pulling pranks on people." "I hope you didn't mind."
'Friends?', 'these kids?' these are the thoughts which occurred my mind. CUTE! My lips slightly curve at the realisation of him being friends with those kids and he seems to notice it.
I can't show my soft side to a stranger. I immediately put on my half poker, half sweet face.(so that I don't look too rude) I hate being unnecessarily rude to people who are sweet and people like him doesn't even counts. Still!! A stranger is a stranger, so I had to put on with that half poker face as well.
"Ah, no it's . . Okay" with a little smile on my face which totally seemed fake but it actually wasn't fake at all. It's just how I'm. It's just how my smile is.
Another rush of awkwardness. He lifts up his pinky finger and asks me with his facial expressions whether I want it to be removed or not.
EMBARRASSING!! Did he catch up with all my fantasies inside my head. God, no! I hope he is one of those clueless and dense character from rom-coms.
"Oh, yes. . sure" I remove my string and give it to him. God bless my conversation skills!! Did I even say anything other than exclamatory words!? He takes it back and removes his own.
God, not another rush of awkwardness. I need to say something. Usually I don't care about my impressions. Be it guys or girls specially guys but here I want to show him my confidence.
"I just moved to the building across the road, near the market." What the hell did I just do? Did I need to open my mouth and blurt out my address? (not exactly my address but STILL) Am I kidding myself?
"So, You're new here" another wave of bright innocent smile. It didn't occur weird to him at all.
"I live right at this building block" another sweet smile.
"Okay" I gave a little confident yet awkward smile.
"So, I need to go now," my hands showing direction way back.
"Aah, okay" , he smiles and I turn back straight to my destination. Right before me turning left, he shouts, "Hey, we will meet again," waving a goodbye with his right hand and a big sweet smile as if we have known each other since quite a long time. I just wave my head in agreement with an awkward smile and turn back before I could fill my mind with his complete attire. Sunset falls on the left side of his body. Simple Black t-shirt, quarter blue jeans and a pair of kittos. The view is simple yet endearing in it's own way.

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