Chapter-35 (Epilogue)

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Three months later,
It's spring everywhere. Flowers are blooming, you can hear birds chirping. Everything is colourful and seems happy and I am not just talking about the season.
We planned to meet at the same spot where we met exactly one year ago. Our place. He wanted to pick me but I insisted him to wait there with Adya. As usual he listens to all my selfish wishes.
I can't wait to see them. It's been a while. I missed them alot. We missed each other alot. We barely talked or contacted each other over the past three months. I was giving myself all my time in recovery, therapy and self care. And I can't thank him enough for being so patient and understanding with me. The wait is finally over and I can't conceal my excitement as I should. I am never concealing my emotions ever again. I am proud to be able to feel things without any guilt. I had come a long way and I can't to thank the person who believed in me, supported me in silent all these time.
I dress up like a cute girl in every possible way. Purple long half sleeved frock with white daisies print on it, purple bow clip on half open hair, a pair of white floral sandal with light pink makeup and mascara on alongside a new white tote bag with two butterflies printed on it.
As I cross the road, Adya stands there in a sky blue frock with a kitty face print on the centre with her long beautiful hair open and a cheerful smile. I run to her for a hug. She looks a bit taller, even her hair has grew longer and her smile looks more cheerful and confidential than before. I feel so proud of her. Tears already gather in my eyes.
"How have you been?" I ask smiling.
"As you can see I am totally fine. How have you been big sister?" She asks as she doesn't hugs me back. She seems to be holding on her hand and hiding it from me. I notice but chose to wait until she reveals herself.
"As you can see big sister is doing great as well. But where is your big brother?"
She brings her hand infront and shows me a red string. I immediately smile. I knew what she was about to do. I don't know who came up with the idea but this one probably was Adya's idea.
She ties it to my pinky finger of my left hand and leads the way.
As we turn, I see him sitting on the same spot on his casual plain white t-shirt, long blue jeans and casual black shoes, looking like the most attractive man I have ever seen, giving me his sweetest yet coolest smiles ever. What? Is he trying to act like a grown up person now? I sigh, pout and smile back.
I run to him. He stands up with his pinky finger tied to the same string as well. I go flying into his arms. Emotions overflowing within us. I pull back and look into his eyes. Those medium sized black shiny eyes are trying to convey so many feelings, so many things. How much I missed getting lost on those eyes. So many things to say but we choose to say it all with an exchange of warm smiles. Our eyes speaking more than words than our mouths.
"I am home." I say.
"You're home." He replies.
We continue to look into each other's eyes standing there while the warm spring wind blows and cherry blossom petals falls.
"I am here too." Adya says and we snap back and look at her cute little angry pout. We look at each other again and give out a loud laugh. We draw her near and hug each other. We smile, laugh and cry together. Emotions surrounding us. This isn't the end of our story, it's just the beginning. I am still healing, fighting, accepting, hurting and still trying to move forward the only difference is I am not stuck anymore on the past neither am I afraid of it anymore. The thing which always kept lurking beside me was nothing other than my own fear, my own unresolved past and emotions which I never came to a conclusion. As I continued living in dark with only hate and anger inside it kept growing bigger taking the form of a monster. A monster which would ruin my every means of happiness in any way possible. The monster was actually me all along. But not anymore. If I created the monster then I will turn it back into a human again. I will show it how we deserve happiness and it's not our fault anymore. It's time to let go of all our past, anger and frustration. It's okay now, we can be happy this time. It's high time we stop punishing ourself for things we never did. It's okay we deserve happiness. It's okay if some part of me turned into a monster, I will not abandon it instead I will give it another chance, I will fill that part of me with every love and happiness it ever craved for. It's okay now. I am not alone. They are with me. We are with each other. Supporting each other, pushing each other, cheering for each other, fighting, crying, laughing, loving, learning. .together. We are still at it. Chasing dreams, failing, falling, getting up and starting again. There are still things not concluded in our lives but that's how life is. I am sure we will make our way through every hardships to our happily ever after.
The end~

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