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Ryan: Let's go on a date according to my plan this time.
Jas: Sure!! :D
I can see him smiling at all of my replies in our every conversations.
The day arrives ~
Since it's getting colder, I wear a long plain black frock with a light grey coat over with my usual no makeup touch, black boots with black hair clip at my back carrying a new grey side bag with puppy paw prints on it.
We meet near the crossing which separates our blocks. He is here in his ocean blue hoodie and a new pair of dark blue jeans not actually brand new but new for me and his die or ride kittos. I smile looking at them.
"Did you wait long?"
"No. Not at all." We look at each other and smile.
"Shall we go then?" He offers his right hand.
What is he doing? I know we have already hold hands even more but that doesn't mean I am always mentally prepared for it.
Even though I was the one who asked to cut it with the awkwardness I feel shy all over again. I hesitate to offer but he keeps on waiting looking at me with his puppy eyes and sweet innocent smile which wasn't totally innocent at all. I know he is being playful and I don't want him to think he is winning at this.
God why do I feel shy all over again?
I hold the sleeves of his hoodie. "Is this okay for now?" I ask him looking down feeling too shy and red but somehow still managed to look at his eyes. He bursts out in a short and loud laugh. His face lights up. He is doing that 'hand at his back while looking down and avoiding eye contact' thing again. Now he feels shyer than me which makes me double shy. We are acting like dorks again.
"Let's go then." He finally calms himself.
"Sure, but where are we going?"
"You will know."
"We are here."
"Heyyyyyy it's a tailor shop. Why. What's here?"
"There's a surprise for you." He says looking at me with a short sweet smile.
I feel curious.
We enter the shop. Colourful pieces of cloths and beautiful stitched men and women's dresses everywhere. It was a feast to eyes. There were few customers busy with their trials and selections, the shop lady and three lady assistants busy with their work and customers.
"I didn't know there was a place like this nearby." I say excitedly.
"Do you like it?"
Yes. It's beautiful.
Yes, it is. I like it too. He says while looking at me, confusing me what he is actually refering to.
"Follow me."
"I don't follow orders." I say hoping he would say the same thing as last time.
He stops mid way and turns back leaning closer. What is he doing? We are outside. There are people here. He holds me by my sleeve and pulls me closer to him. "I am ordering you." He whispers in my ear and slowly look into my eyes. What the hell is wrong with him? And what the hell is wrong with me? Why am I not saying anything? Is the feminist inside me dead? Wake up little miss. I shake his hand off my sleeve and fight my best not to clear my throat or do anything which might prove my affection.
He gives me a playful smile and starts walking. "Come, I was joking. It's a request."
"You don't have to request everytime. I will eventually come even if you ask me normally." I give him a pout and a 'trying to get hard' look.
"Okay ma'am from now on I will ask you normally." He says in another sweet yet playful tone making my heart skip another beat, making it hard for me to maintain a poker face.
"Hello Sir, here is what you ordered for." A cheerful lady assistant around mid 20's.
I can't believe my eyes. Did he really order a magical girl costume for me? How did he know about this part of me? I never told him. Oh God!
I look at him with surprise.
"You love them right?"
I smile falling in love with him even more. Everytime I think I could not fall any more for him, he does it everytime.
I keep looking at him, "Yes, I love. . I love them."
"Then go try." He says excitedly, pushing me towards the trial room.
I come out in a white and baby pink knee lengthed ball frock, long pink socks and white shoes, a white magical stick, transparent wings at the back and a simple white pearled tiara. Everyone in the shop gives me a look. Every customer, every worker including the shop lady. For some reason their looks didn't feel weird and judgey or may be they did give me judgemental looks I don't know I was too busy reading that one face. A face totally focused on mine. His jaw literally dropping. His eyes widening and shining with spark as if he saw something out of the world, something like a ball of infinite sunshine and happiness. Too stunned to say anything. Even though I want to hear him say it all, his expressions, his eyes already said everything. I know my stoic face and personality and the dress aren't going well together but atleast I know I look cute. I go near him and stand infront of him.
"I". . He pauses, "you". . He pauses again. "We" he says looking at me, eyes filled with love and admiration. "We just had our "that one dress moment" of our lives. What? I am too shocked. He did all these for that?
He continues, "I could not wait so long to make one of your dearest desires come true. Even though if you ask me, everyday, everytime I see you is "that moment" for me but since what you want is something for which we have to wait for a long I couldn't wait so long. Even though I promise one day I will make even that dream of yours come true. It's just I get very impatient when it comes to you." He says staring into my eyes.
The customers, the workers everyone is looking at us, cheering for us, teasing us. I don't feel shy at all. All I feel is love. I keep falling in love with him every day. I don't say anything. All I do is look into his eyes and fill love.
A group of boys were staring at me whistling and passing comments but I try to ignore them. I can see Ryan snaping for the first time but I ask him to ignore as well. He tries his best for me.
As we kept ignoring them, they tried their best to get our reaction.
"Some girls act like they are the centre of the world just because they are a little pretty." They pass a comment and starts laughing and he finally loses it. He jumps at the counter table and punches the one passing the comment.
My eyes widens. He looked like a superhero. I see everything, every moment in slow motion.
Wait! Aren't we in trouble? They are literally a group of five grown up men. We look at each other and knew what to do. We hold each others' hands and make it for a run.
We literally run the whole area. I literally run the whole area in complete daylight being chased by a group of grown up men in a magical girl costume. It literally is so embarrassing, tiring, frightening and exciting all at once. I am having the best time of my life. Falling in love, fulfilling my teen and childhood dreams, running with a friend, a lover, experiencing what it feels like to have fun, experiencing fear, experiencing every emotion in me which I never felt before.

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