Note to my readers

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Dear readers ~
I know life is tough, sometimes it really gets unfair and unjust. Giving up feels like the only option left but even in situations like that I don't want you all to give up ever. You all are fighters, we all are fighters. If life is challenging us, shouldn't we stand bold and accept the challenge? Isn't that exciting to accept someone's challenge head on? Trust me, when you accept the challenge instead of running away or avoiding it, you will start loving yourself even more. In the midst of your journey you will realise you are enjoying the competition between you and your life. When you challenge and start to face it, when you take the baby steps and finally when you succeed, every steps till the finishing line you will love it and be proud of yourself.
Not even half through your journey, you will realise you're starting to love life. It will still be tough, even tougher than before but this time instead of feeling depressed or stressed about it, you will welcome those hardships and challenges with a smile and acceptance on your face, like 'cool, bring it on, I am not running away this time. I will face you head on and even make you accept your defeat.' You will start seeing yourself as a challenger, you will feel stronger. Trust yourself and have faith and patience with GOD. His plans and good things take time but don't just wait to happen it without you even trying. Stand up for yourself! Do not ever accept defeat. If you were defeated for a hundred time, stand and get inside the ring for another round. One day you will be glad you didn't give up.
I know sometimes, it gets too lonely. You feel like no one is there for you but trust me, no one in this world is born to be alone. May be you are alone at the very moment but you won't be forever. But you know one more thing? You have to fight to find your people. They won't simply show up in your life if you have stopped doing life. No one is going to rescue you when you are the one not trying to rescue yourself at the first place. No one is going to break in your room and find you. If they are not coming to you, you go find them!
I know it's going to be the toughest thing to fight all alone but it will be worth it. Don't be the one who is chaining yourself the most. Break the chain and go find your happiness. Be your own hero. Who knows, during your journey you might end up finding something unexpected, something irreplaceable too? Life is full of surprises after all, you never know. Please don't be afraid to unpack those hidden surprises just because you didn't like some from your past. As I already said, you are a fighter! You can do it. Keep fighting! Do not let human made customs chain you, break the chain, break the stereotypes.
See, no one is perfect in this world. Everyone have their own insecurities they don't talk about. Don't let them chain you. It's beautiful to have insecurities. It's normal to have insecurities. It's human to have insecurities. Okay? Accept yourself, find yourself. Heal yourself. Choose yourself first. Until and unless you don't love your real self enough, no one else can do. Things will always go the wrong way until you find yourself, heal yourself. It's okay to prioritise yourself first, your mental health first otherwise you will keep on hurting yourself and others too. Don't worry, you will meet your people. But before meeting your people you have to meet yourself first. Just take the baby steps and trust yourself. Put your mind at ease first, let go of all the things and thoughts that's bothering you. Whatever and whoever talk to them and conclude. Don't bottle up your feelings. Let the bitter feelings from your past go away so that new sweet emotions can enter.
This story might be misleading to some of you like Jas was able to fight and face her problems because she had people waiting on her, waiting for her return but that's not the thing. She was able to meet them only because she took the baby step all alone. She decided to fight. It's okay if she ran away at first. Your first step doesn't always have to be your right step. It's okay to take the wrong step first to realise what is the right step. What I mean to tell you is that atleast take the step at first. You will find your solution in the process.
The main concept of this story was for you to come to a conclusion with your past and unresolved traumas so that you can move on in life. Forgiving people who have done you wrong or not is up to you but conclude everything with them, with you, specially with you so you can move on, so you don't bleed on people who didn't wrong you. And most importantly forgive yourself for the person you became while you were suffering, suffocating, hurting, healing. It's okay, it's fine. Forgive yourself if you ever hurt someone unintentionally or even intentionally during the process. You are a human too. Don't be so harsh on yourself and give yourself another chance. You deserve it. And remember to be kind always. To be loving, to yourself and to others. Love is the strongest medicine that can heal any scar. You will find your love too just don't give up on life and yourself.
Taking a new step, a change can be scary but it will be worth it. When you have lived your life in complete darkness for a long time, it becomes addictive. You will find a way to ignore reality and think you have found your escape but in truth you are just neglecting your problems. That's not the escape which your soul wants. That's only temporary distraction. Real escapism is facing your problems not ignoring it or running away from it. When you face it, it's going to be tough. Change is going to be difficult for you to adapt in because of your addiction to darkness, loneliness and unhealthy life patterns. Your body becomes comfortable only with chaos. A healthy environment, a healthy relationship or even pure happiness is going to be difficult for you to accept but don't lose your will in the process. It's okay to feel that way. Don't think something is wrong with you. You have to find your real escape instead of temporary distractions. Seek help, it's completely fine. Seek professional help, seek help from yours friends, elders and if you don't have anyone like that seek help online. Tell your parents, fight for yourself, speak up. I know it's easier said than done but you have to do it. Everyone is going through something, no one else is going to do it for. Don't just live in fear your whole. Once you face it, you will know how small and weak it was. It's fine, you are strong. You can make it to the finishing line. You can make yourself proud.

Breaking stereotypes Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora