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As we start eating, I'm the one to break the silence this time.
"So what it is that you wanted to talk?" He breaks free from his burger which he was enjoying too much. A half-slice of tomato falls from his mouth. CUTE! I don't let it affect myself too much.
"About yesterday", he hesitates a little. Hesitation is new in him.
"Go on", I give him a nod.
"You know Adya, she lost her parents and all stuff." My heart begins to shrink. My expression shifted from curious to something sad. I don't say anything. He continues. "I would like if you never come up with this topic infront of her, like to her", he pauses then continues, "like don't talk to her about this and try to console, she is trying her best. She had already cried rivers on my shoulder, If she is trying her best, I wanna give her a shoulder instead of holding her back." "You understand what I mean right?" "Yes, I do" , I say nodding again. I have nothing to say. My heart cries for her, imagining her crying out in pain to her brother, brother right? Silence and condolences surrounds us. We stop eating. "So, you two aren't related" I say, "since Singh and D'sa". "I thought maybe you two were cousins."
"But she is like a little sister to me."
"Yeah I can see that" I smile.
"Since our blocks are nearby, we have known each other since quite a long time, she started calling me big brother since the very beginning."
I smile as I imagine those moments from past, them encountering for the first time on my mind and forming a bond.
"You should eat the rest" he says staring at my plate. I still don't feel like eating though.
"You too."
"Hm." He gives a fake smile. I don't like it at all. We take a bite to keep each other from worrying. My lunch break is over. I have to go back to work.

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