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I could not complete my studies because of some family issues. I had to drop out at my final years and now I work as an assistant in a Library. Even getting the job of an assistant was tough considering my academic achievements. My brother helped me get this job and the fact kills me!
On my way to work, for some reason I sense a little wish inside me; to see him. The short, dusky, black haired guy with the sweetest smile from yesterday, the red string fated guy.
I don't see him on my way to work. I wonder what does he do? Is he a student? Or someone who's struggling like me?
I stop thinking.
After work, as I was about to leave he stands there right infront of me in a casual white t-shirt and grey quarter jeans. He tries to enter but I'm blocking his way, in a silk brown umbrella frock, lavender back hairclip and my comfort grey shoes. Somehow it felt like he was trying to enter my life as well. I hate how he doesn't even need to try to get my attention. For some reason I feel attracted to him but not in a romantic or sexual way but in a different way I can't explain. He doesn't gives the 'mysterious guy' aura but I'm attracted to him in a mysterious way.
"Oh you" he says. So he remembers me and it makes me a little happy. Ofcourse he does, I have a pretty face, not a pretty attractive body though. Nevermind. He seems a little surprised and happy too like he didn't expect me here. I have always been good at reading people.
"Ah yes" I greet with an awkward pretty smile.
There's this little confusion between us but I let him pass within a second and that's when I notice there's a little girl from yesterday with him. She gives me a light warm smile, I smile back.
So he is here to buy some story or picture books for his friend or little sister maybe? Sweet! Wait what am I getting so impressed about? I knew he didn't seem like a reader kinda guy. I continue to observe them, they don't look alike though.
I suggest them some kids' books as they asked for and I notice him glancing at me time to time. I like it but I don't like the fact that I'm liking it so easily. I have always been the tough one when it comes to men.
There was a sweet tension between us and I was getting hot for no goddamn reason. He isn't even sexy or hot. He is just cute. That's it. What's wrong with me? Actually nothing, it's just a phase which will pass as it always happens with me, people and feelings. I hardly catch at the first place. It's just that the sweet sunshine guys has always been my type although only in fiction and he is affecting me a little in this regard. It will pass soon. I am not the type to make a fuss over such a silly thing.
After the unnecessary little tension between us from quite a good distance, the little girl finally chooses a picture book with a bright warm smile. She is cute. She seems reserved like me but that bright smile! Maybe they're related after all. Cousins maybe?
They go to the counter to make their bill, as I stand near the bookshelves arranging books acting like nothing affected me from the last few minutes.
Before they turn their back towards me, we accidentally make a quick one second eye-contact. I don't know for some reason that was kind of I don't know? They leave, leaving me confused and hot.

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