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December 3rd~
It's our day and we plan to celebrate it at Ryan's place. I first went to Adya's place to get her in my woolen black and grey long stitched frock with my brown cardigan and black boots on. Our plan was to change dresses at Ryan's place. As usual Adya's uncle was busy with his work while her aunt was about to leave I don't know where to but busy in her own world. She knows it's her birthday and yet all she does is silently let us leave without giving us any wierd looks today. What? Is it some kind of birthday offer to show some kindness today? Or did her husband put some wise words into her ear. I don't know all I can do is assume as I can't ask our little princess things which might hurt her. The scene brings some unwanted memories of my own birthdays back at home over the past years. I ignore them.
"Shall we? Birthday girl." I say smiling as I offer my hand to her.
"Yes!" A flash of warm and bright smile as she holds my hand.
We enter that idiot's house. And my score of calling him an idiot is higher now but only in my mind. Practically he is still winning. We look at each other and something melts inside me again. How does he do that everytime? Simply takes all my anxiety away just by existing? He is in his casual hand knitted ocean blue sweater and jeans and since it's his place his footwear is even more casual. I smile looking at those again. Me and Adya? Well we are about to turn this birthday party into a fancy dress party. I change into the magical girl costume while Adya changes into a dragon costume. She adores dragons alot so me and Ryan came up with the idea and ordered the costume from the same shop we got my costume. We split our money for this dress but this isn't actually our birthday gift so this doesn't counts.
Even though it's December, me and Adya manages to wear dresses like these meanwhile Ryan refuses to let go of his hand knitted sweater. He feels too cold but in a weird type of cold which doesn't reaches his legs and feets and I find it adorable for unknown reason. We just put on a bunny ear on his head which was chosen by Adya. As usual he doesn't resists infact feels excited instead.
We go to the kitchen to bake our birthday cake. It was my idea to bake a milk flavoured cake since I am not much of a sweet eater so I thought milk would be the most favourable flavour for all of us. All throughout the process Adya did more than even half of what Ryan did. He tried but only got in our way. We eventually let him out of the kitchen. How had he manage to live by his own all these years if he is so bad in kitchen? Something hits my mind. I am going to leave him all alone again and I don't even know if everything will be worth it at the end or not. The thought scares me. I shake it go for the moment.
My first baked cake. It turned out perfect exactly how I wanted it to be. Not too sweet but sweet enough for the two sweet tooths out there. The fluff, softness, texture everything was on point. We decorate the hallway with colourful balloons and decorative papers. Me and Ryan feel a little embarrassed with this decorative stuffs specially I but the other half feels so happy. Less than Adya though. She looks the happiest.
We planned on hiding each others' gifts until we cut the cake. Me and Ryan requested Adya not to bother with gifts for us; that she is our greatest gift. Even though she agreed on us I know she still managed to come up with something.
It's time to blow the candles and cut the cake. Candles! another bad memory which I had burry deep down inside flashes right infront of me. Flashbacks from the time when the abused became the abuser too. My mom was the only person in this world for me, in that household full of toxic dominating masculinity. I thought we were each others' support system until I found out I was the only one thinking this way, living in a complete delusion. Somewhere she supported their wrong by not speaking up, by not standing up either for herself or for her daughter. She thought it was their right and this is what we deserve females. But the human inside you will scream one day what is right and what is wrong and when that started happening to her, she still kept denying and all the frustration was sent straight towards an innocent child who just wanted to be there for her mom. I abuse didn't made me afraid of candles instead I got attached to them in a weird way. Like it brought some kind of peace within myself. I felt like it soothed my soul. Like this is where I actually belong. I don't know the reason why I felt that way my whole life but may be because I coped up with it in this way, blowing birthday candles during the time I used to fake myself wasn't hard for me. I almost forgot about it as I grew up burying everything deep inside. More than the scars given by her abusive father she wanted to forget about the pain and betrayal by her once loving victimized mother. I don't know why the memories are flashing back now in this very moment. I don't feel panic or anything. I just feel weird. I stare at them as I feel something stuck inside my chest.
Ryan holds my hand, "it will be alright."
And suddenly all the confused feelings inside me turns into a burst of overflowing emotions. I almost get teary eyed.
We blow the candles together, cut the cake and sing birthday song for each other. I feel the happiest. We feel the happiest. We eat snacks and drink. We sing and dance. We play an act where Adya plays a bad dragon who kidnaps Ryan who is a normal human and is saved by me via. The magical girl. All of these enjoyment, happiness, us together, our genuine moments all of these are probably my last before I leave. I get afraid, I get emotional again but I conceal them as if Ryan hasn't already noticed all of the emotions flowing within me right now.

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