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It's 1'30 a.m in a winter night and I am in my bed all cozy and comfortable in my unattractive black pyjama and old brown cardigan.
Jas: When is your birthday?
A horrible friend and girlfriend I have been. I have already tried checking for his birthday on his social media accounts but there were no personal information about him. He barely even uses them to begin with. My personal informations are given on my social media accounts. I wonder has he checked mine.
Ryan: We will celebrate it together. You, me and Adya on yours.
Why is he saying this? Does he mean as in a farewell party on my birthday before I leave where we all celebrate each others' birthday together. That's not a bad idea though.
How do I don't even know Adya's birthday till now? I always wanted to ask but remembering her family condition I always stepped back thinking this might hurt her and never asked Ryan because I wanted to find out his birthday by my own so I never came up with birthday topic. As I failed finding out I am asking him now. I wonder did I pass their birthdays without even wishing them. I would feel terrible if that happens.
Jas: Together? Why? I don't mind though. It will be fun.
Ryan: Guess why?
Wait. Don't tell me.
Jas: Hey, don't tell me what I am thinking is right. It can't be.
He doesn't reply. What? Does he wants me to say it out loud. It's not like he can see my expressions through text messages. Idiot! Oops I finally match his number of 'idiots' but since I didn't say him or texted him directly it might not count as well.
Jas: How is that possible?
Ryan: Hehe.
How in the world all of us were born on the same date? Different years though. Still, isn't it too much to be real? Too dreamy? Too out of a fictional world? Oh God I still can't believe it. It's not like finding people who share birthdays on the same date is that much of a big deal but how could possibly it have to be us?
Jas: May be we were always meant to be together. To find each other.
I wonder if he could feel the emotions I was feeling through my text messages. I am sure he could.
Ryan: Yes, We were. You make me believe in fate.
I hold the mobile to my chest and give the biggest smile I have given since a while.

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