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Thinking about our time together. Things I learned about my two new friends in a new city. Thinking how they don't know anything about me yet. I am just overflowing with too many emotions.
Now that I think about it, both the times when we were either walking to the restaurant or our way back to Library, the way he was walking with me was different. He never walked alongside me. He either walked infront of me out of tension within himself or behind me out of consideration or guilt maybe I don't know. Mostly behind, to keep an eye on me. I liked it. What I didn't like was he wasn't following the sidewalk rule and didn't walk alongside me keeping me in the safe place. I mean I can protect myself and he should protect himself I understand that but for some reason I wanted him to do so.
He was acting a little weird. He usually is so natural, friendly and cool. Was he nervous? With me? Because of me? Was he being shy? The idea makes me a little happy but he doesn't seems to be the shy type. He acted different. For some reason the way he was acting seemed familiar. I do the same. Is he insecure about something just like I am? What it could be? I wonder. I wonder will he come tomorrow? I wonder is he thinking about me just like I'm thinking about him? I wonder.

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