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I'm even more curious about him now. About the little sprink of tension which wasn't one sided at all. About the eye contact. About that sweet little girl. Everything.
I have decided. I wanna be friends with him. It's not a big deal right? A girl can ask a guy too to be friends with her. What's wrong with that? I'm not such an egoistic or narrow minded person to still think about or move according to gender roles. If I'm curious about him, I will just be friends with him. The unnecessary tensions and curiosities and headaches will be gone too and I will be able to make a friend in this new city as well. He seems to be a friendly guy. It's a win-win from every way possible but the other tough side of me doesn't wants me to be the first one to make the move, even for a friendship. Oh this dilemma! Not again. As if I already don't have thousands of things to overthink about at night and now he is added to the list too. Maybe the next time I see him, I will ask him if we could be friends? Or maybe not? The dilemma continues as I suffer to sleep like every other night.

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