Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


As we walked down the sidewalk we said nothing, for a while. It was awkward. I was tomato red the whole time. . . it was awkward.

All of a sudden Flynn cleared his throat. "So, uh, you are a foster child huh?"

"Oh uh, yeah. I guess." Awkward? I think so, too.

I was getting uncomfortable. This was the most any guy has ever talked to me.

"I know this is a sudden question," he said. "But, are you a Christian?"

A what? What is that supposed to mean? I gave him a strange look.

He laughed, knowing what my facial expression meant. "A Christian. You know? A follower of Christ?"

A band possibly? Don't like bands have certain fan names? But what does he mean by 'follower"?

"What do you mean?"

"I'm guessing you aren't then."

"No?" I looked sorry. Was I supposed to be a 'Christian' or whatever he said.

He nodded his head. What was a Christian about? Who is this 'Christ'? Is he a person? Can I meet him?

"Who is he?" I asked, confused.

"Jesus? Well he's a supernatural being. A person who knows everything, is everywhere, knows everything."

Supernatural? You have got to be kidding me.

"He's a three and one being also. God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost."

Three persons?! Okay. That doesn't make any sense.

"He also loves you. No matter what."

I paused, literally. I stood dead in my tracks. Loves me? Nobody loves me. I'm just an orphan. A thrown out artsy kid who is thrown around from place to place. Not loved. Not cared for. I'm just there. Nobody cares about me.

I tried holding back tears, but failed epically. I began crying. I found a bench and sat on it. Flynn hugged me from the side and rocked me back and forth. I placed my head in his shoulder and cried.

I'm not the type of person to cry in front of a cute guy, or anyone for that matter. I tried to act as civilized as I could.

I stopped crying. I looked up into Flynn's green eyes. His soft looking expression with his brown hair covering is forehead. No wonder Ella liked him.

No wonder every one loved him. But me? No. Why would Flynn ever even have a chance to have feelings for me.

I stood up. "I-I'm sorry. That was inappropriate of me. . . I'm going to go back now." I said wiping my cheeks.

"No! Ayrika, wait!" And Flynn grabbed my hand.

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