Did I Fu-

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Chapter 25
January 18

I licked my lips as I felt my blood boil. The room was spotless. Everything was out of order and it smelled like another female had been in here. I know Heaven ain't wearing perfume. I tossed all her girl shit. Set every item on fire. I was dating a stud and she had to dress the part more.

"Fuck you nigga," I heard Heaven say as she walked into the room laughing and ingored me.

She was looking happy. I don't know why. It's probably one of them hoes out here tryin to take my place. I was putting in work for mines this time. I was the only reason she should smile. She should smile just when she sees me.

'That's our woman. Show her who is the boss' Alice voice floated through my head.

"Hey baby! I seen you cleaned up and it smells nice in here," I said and pushed my anger down.

She looked at me and licked her lips and squinted her eyes. She bent down and picked up a blunt off the coffee table.

"Hey, Yeah I did,"

She placed the blunt to her lips and picked up a lighter and lit her blunt. I furrowed my eyebrows and focused in on her nails. They were done and painted in this really nice matted looking tan or maybe a really light brown color.

"What's that scent? It smells like perfume or something?" I asked as her eyes scanned my body.

I felt my eye twitch. She knew I was coming home and she in here dressed like.. i dont even know . Fitted black jeans with rips in thigh and this bright ass lime green shirt.She nodded her head to the corner of her room that held the small kitchen-like area. I looked over and saw that there was a wax warmer ontop of it.

"It's another one by the bed and on the TV stand," she mumbled as she exhaled and began to walk out the room.

"I can't get a hug or a kiss or anything?" I asked.

"I just woke up and you don't like that shit... yeah she back..  Naw we still kicking it I jus-," she said and walked out the room completely.

I raised my eyebrow as I replayed the events that just happened. I know she ain't forgot how to greet me when I came back.

'You see how she treats you when you hold me back?' Alice said as I placed my hands in my hair.

'If Rainie can give Mila affection when they haven't seen each other in a long time why can't she,' Jackie said .

It was like she didn't miss me. She wasn't happy to see me at all. She wanted me gone for longer. Probably to finish putting her moves on some other bitch.I bit down on my inner cheek and made my way to my sisters room. I need to talk to her and Heaven is begin petty. Bottom line. She hasn't even given me a chance.

"Naw. Lets meet up in a couple of hours," I heard Heaven say as I walked pass the music room.

"You think it will be ready?"

I stopped and listen at the door. Dj. She was so damn sexy. I wish Heaven would take notes. DJ ain't take to much shit and Sin had her ass wrapped around her finger. I couldn't stand Sin but I have to admit I am impressed by her skill.

"Yeah it should be. Imma call Nova and see if she wanna ride out," Heaven said.

"Ight bet. I'll let Sin know," Dj said.

"Can I go?" Trina asked.

I sighed and walked away. Atleast she was gonna be with a group and Trina will let me know if anything goes down. I got her wrapped around my finger too. That sister card comes in handy. However, I kinda want to go. I wouldn't mind tagging along either..especially with DJ and Nova sexy asses.

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