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I rubbed my eyes, slowly blinking awake. The room was fairly light despite the windows being covered by heavy curtains and only a sliver of sunlight peeked through the crack between the curtains.

My muscles were incredibly stiff but I remained lying down for now, unsure as to how my body would react to being upright after last night.

"Oh thank god, you're awake! And alive..." Maia's voice greeted me. She had a trace of smudged mascara around her eyes and was sat on a sofa, on the opposite side  of the room, scrolling through her phone.

"Sammy and Theo are making breakfast if you're up to it, and Leo's gone to the shops to buy more ibuprofen. He left the last two for you though." She handed me a packet of medicine and a glass of water, gesturing for me to take it. "If last night was anything to go by, then you seem like you'll need it." She chuckled.

"How are you?" Lucia peeked her head through the doorway, the rest of her body following. She had a damp towel around her shoulders and her hair was wet.

"I'm okay," I murmured, "Pretty tired, but no headache or anything yet."

"That's good. Let's hope it stays that way."

I hummed in agreement.

Maia left to go and have a shower as well, while Lucia dried her hair. Every so often she would track my progress in the mirror. Though since the world was slightly spinning, it was a slow progress.

"What even happened last night?" I asked, worried for the answer she would give.

"It's nothing too outrageous." She reassured, catching sight of my fear through the mirror. "What do you remember up until?"

"Uh I was on the phone to my boyfriend and then I vaguely remember re-joining the party with Leo and then it all goes a bit fuzzy."

"Ah, well I'm pretty sure you joined another round or two of beer pong before Leo managed to drag you away, though I have to say, you had pretty impressive aim for someone drunk."

"Thanks." I preened, even though I had only just reached an upright position without feeling nauseous or dizzy.

"Then you danced a bit, Sammy has a couple of videos you can watch later..." She trailed off, "And then I think you tried to take your top off in public, except you weren't actually wearing a bra, but Leo managed to stop you in time."

I felt my face heat up at that.

Lucia continued, oblivious to my internal crisis. "It was when you fell flat on your face that we decided it was time to take you back. Abi and Jas took you up to bed with great difficulty, but we came to check on you and you were in bed safely and alive."

I then realised I was in my overnight clothes, and my dress was placed on the side, folded nicely. That definitely wasn't me changing myself. There was no way I would have been able to fold anything last night.

"I think it was Abi who changed you." She added helpfully, turning to look at me. "Jas is way too respectful to do it."

I leased the breath I'd been unconsciously holding. In the moment I forgot how scary not knowing what happened could be.

I stretched and swung my legs off the bed, gently, and stood up with the speed of a sloth. The world had stopped spinning and I seemed to be pretty okay.

"You can go in the shower after Maia is done." I nodded at her words, very much feeling like I needed a shower.

A dull ache in my leg brought a wince out of me. Glancing at the source, I noticed a large bruise on my shin.

Nocturnal Sunshine - Lee DonghyuckWhere stories live. Discover now