Chapter 11

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I hum away as I pick up red solo cups all over the Treble house. Last night, the day after they won first place and andvances to the finals at nationals, they decided to throw a party since they felt better.

However most of the boys had passed out and left the living room and kitchen area in a mess. Bumper was the only one awake right now and was on the couch watching South Park.

"Sometimes it feels like we are all from South Park" Bumper says as Greg and Brian emerge from their rooms and walk into the living room.

"What..? " Greg asks confused.

I smile a little and start washing the greasy plates they used for pizza last night.

"Okay so Greg is definitely Kenny. Cause he's the blondest. Y/n is Tammy cause she was with Kenny for a while. Steven is Tweek. Brian is Stan. Xavier is Craig. Actually wait there is a character named Greg. But he isn't really like you. Oh well Greg is Greg so that Donald is now Kenny. And then Y/n can be um... Wendy cause she slays-"

"I'm lost... " Greg says.

I shrug and I add on to what Bumper says.

"For sure and you are Cartman"

"No I'm not! "

"Yea you are dude... " Brian adds in making me smirk.

"Who actually is that deep into an adult cartoon? " Steven asks entering the room.

"Let's talk about your Rick and Morty addiction" Xavier says walking in as well.

"Bumper what does finger bang mean anyways? " Brian asks smirking.

"Ya know like finger guns"

"That's not what it means" says Donald sitting on the couch.

"Donald says that's not what it means"

"Well then what does it mean Donald? " Bumper asks grinning.

He purposely takes his shirt and covers his mouth.

"It's when someone sticks their finger into the vagina and then the butthole" he muffles and then rolls his eyes.

We all start laughing and Unicycle finally joins everyone else.

"I better be Kyle. I don't care if I'm not Jewish" He says riding around on his unicycle.

"Okay anywayssss. You need to stop drinking so much guys. This isn't actually South Park" I say rolling my eyes.

"Well fuck you" Michael says as he pours alcohol into two cups and hands one to Kolio.

"I got work today. Please behave for Y/n" Jesse says at the group of immature boys.

The day goes smoothly. Just jokes and what not. Bumper suddenly gets a phone call and leaves the room.

The next day, pretty early if that, me, Michael, Greg, Brian, Donald, Wes, Kolio, and Unicycle are I'm the hot tub as Bumper drags in a suit case.

"Guess who is being brought up to the musical big leagues!!!! I was brought up by an assistant to sing back on John Mayer's new CD" he says pumped.

"No" I say coldly.

"What do you mean no-"

"Yea but Bumper, what about ICCAs? They are next week! " says Kolio.

"Sorry buddies. I won this shit like a thousand times"

"You are not going Bumper" I say.

"Why not? "

"Trust me. It's John Mayer. If it was P!NK then you could go. But no. You aren't going. Or else" I say.

"Jesus woman"

Truth is that I wouldn't be able to stand him leaving. I feel like I hardly hung out with him. Of course I did and shit but deep down he's a decent person. And going to LA... Would be harsh for him.

Did he listen to me? No. He said good bye and went out the door.

"To be honest he was an ass anyways" says Donald.

"He's not gonna make it out there" I say.

"No he isn't. Is he? " Greg states.

"Who do we replace him with? " asks Uni.

Jesse gets an idea and now there is initiation apparently.

"Guess who is in Treble" Donald says as Jesse takes off the bag from Benji's head. As a Bella I feel more like a Treble at this rate.

Benji smiles and tries to contain his excitement as they drag him to where the Tonehangers van is today.

Little walk from Barden but there it sat in a parking space of their house.

Trebleboned (Greg Gorenc x Fem! Reader) Where stories live. Discover now