Chapter 26

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I hear glass shatter as Greg pulls me close to him. Bees are everywhere.

"Holy shit! " someone yells.

Melanie just kind of backs into a corner and stays out of the way as Emily grabs something. She swings it as it impacts the glass window, shards scattering all over the floor.

"Oh... " she says as she realizes that she could have just opened the window.

Greg and I go to the door and signal Melanie over, careful to not get stung or touch fire.

She smiles as we safely make it to the hallway.

"Hey Y/n. You make music by any chance? Like I know you sing but have you ever thought about making music? Like for albums and stuff" she asks as I nod.

"Yea I do. Well. I'm not the best at performing but I would love to be a part of an album" I say as she smiles.

"What if we work together! My Doll house music video and the EPs went viral and I'm almost done with my new one called Crybaby. I was gonna name it Toy Chest at first, or something similar... But I want to sort of scrap that song. And before I publish it I want to choose a few more songs and make a few more. The ones that don't make it, I want to do a collab with you" she explains as I smile.

"I would love that! " I say as Greg just looks at me.

"Bitch how you getting famous all of the sudden? " Greg asks me.

"Maybe don't call your fiance a bitch? " Melanie suggests as Greg just sighs.

"Well when do we start... The song stuff?" I ask as she smiles.

"Whenever the tour is over. I can tell you right now that Kahlid is looking for one singular person. He looks for pure talent. But also room to improve. Which is why he hasn't chosen anyone yet. And you don't have to perform unless you want to, but I can totally help you make the music vids. Just do those after you have your kid " Melanie explains with a wink. I have a small baby bump. She definitely noticed it.

"Alright well I got to get back to the hotel. You want my number? " I ask as she smiles and nods.

She types it in as Greg and I head back.

The next morning The Bellas and I are sitting on the stairs to the hotel.

Chloe's phone rings as she notices that it's a video call from Stacie.

She answers and well Stacie had the baby.

"Hi Stacie! " we all say as she says hello.

She shows the baby as we all gasp.

"What's the babies name? You should name it Fat Amy Junior" Amy says with a smirk as I roll my eyes.

"Her name is Bella" Stacie says as we all say aw.

The baby starts crying as Stacie does her best to calm Bella down. It's obvious that she is stressed out right now.

So... We all sing a slow song as Bella stops crying.

Stacie thanks us and then the call ends.

"We got to step up our game" Aubrey says.

"Yea um... About that. If we get picked or not. After my baby is born I um... Have plans" I say as Emily nods.

"Yea you will have a baby. And a husband" she says as I shake my head.

"No. Well yes. That is true. But I'm gonna finally start making music. With a celebrity" I say.

"Celebrity? Which celebrity? " Aubrey asks.

"Have you ever heard the song Dollhouse? It's very popular. It's sung by Melanie Martinez? " I ask as Beca nods.

"Yea I know her" she says as Lily agrees quietly.

"She offered to cowork on an album" I say as Aubrey gasps.

"Shit! That is so cool! I'm happy for you Y/n. But I also have a song choice for our next performance" she says.

"What is it? " I ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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