Let Me

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I bit the inside of my cheek
until it started to bleed
blood in my mouth
a bitter taste

I want to throw up
I want to give up
Oh, won't you let me?
I swear I won't make a mess!

I'll just lay here
and bite the inside of my cheek
until I bleed it all out
bleed it all out

Can you bleed to death that way?
I hoped so, it seemed easy
it seemed simple
it seemed slow

I tried the bullet to my head
I tried drinking my pain away
I would've tried pills too
but you know I can't take pills

They told me to stay
but I don't want to
I've never wanted to
Let me leave?

I swear, I'll go quietly
let me scream out his name once
just once, and then I'll leave

Please don't fuss over me
this ain't the first time, trust me
I'll be fine
just give me the whiskey

I think I'll just drink myself away
I'll put the bottle to my head
pretend it's a trigger
shoot, and it'll all be better

I lied, I screamed out his name twice
at least twice, maybe more
because I need him here
without him, I'll just die here, alone

Always alone
he never showed up
did he?
I knew he didn't

Let me sleep
Let me lie
Let me scream
Let me die

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