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She was just a whore. That's what they all called her.

Whore, skank, slut.

They claimed she stole all the men, but she didn't mean to.

She paid her way by prostitution, you see

You can't make a living for free

so she sold the only thing she had left, herself.

In a business, you have to spend money to earn money,

in this case, the Lady spent herself to earn money,

and she always paid her rent on time because of it.

She didn't enjoy it, she never did

the Lady tried to act like she was enjoying it, for the men's sake

but she couldn't pretend to love them.

She ended up like all the rest of the ladies

after sleepless nights

she grew weak, weary, and tired.

When asked to work, she'd work

but she would end things before they finished

because she didn't care anymore.

One day, a man flagged her down

and said he was out of town

and needed a little loving on this lonely, lonely night.

The Lady looked at him quizzically.

He was a clean shaven man without a wedding band

around her age, with a smile on his face.

It wasn't a smile of a creep

it was a happy smile, as if he had found a friend

so the Lady agreed.

She got home and tried

but he just wanted to hold her, for once in her life

he didn't want anything more.

The second night, he did the same.

But the third night was different

and the Lady has a reminder of it with her.

On the third night, she gave herself to him, completely

thinking she fell in love with the stranger

so she let him do what he wanted.

He thanked her and left town

and nine months later, she turned around

with a baby in her arms, meeting the eyes of a married man.

A clean shaven married man

(he now wore a wedding band)

and she smiled at the sight of him.

She thought he had come back for her

but no, he came back for more

that was all he wanted.

Said she put on a good show

and she was a bad girl

and he wanted to have another go.

Reluctantly, she let him in

because that was her life, wasn't it?

Sleepless nights she had.

Nine months later

she supposed she should changed her ways

after the second baby.

But the Lady never changed her ways

and here she is now

the whore of Calico County.

But today, a man walked in

requesting her hand in marriage

and they don't call her the whore of Calico County anymore.

They call her the First Lady of Calico County now.

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