Broken Fairy Tales

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Little girls believe in fairy tales and true love,
teenage girls believe in hookups and breakups,
little girls think of white weddings with doves,
teenage girls know the fakeness behind makeup.

We've evolved, but haven't learned our lesson,
the truth is love can be faked,
we keep trying with the messing,
we know what we can and can not take.

It's not that be don't believe in love, trust me we do,
some of us have just decided to not pursue it right now.
So darling, although I still love you,
to be honest, I've forgotten how.

I can't love you the way I could've,
before I was broken and messed up.
I would regret it later, not loving you the way I should've,
so baby, just listen up:

Little girls think fairy tales come true,
teenage girls have been loved,
little girls believe in what you believe you can do,
teenage girls have been pushed and shoved.

I love you, of course, that won't change.
I just don't want to hurt you,
don't want to be hurt, and be that as it may,
what won't change is the fact, the fact that I love you.

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