
116 20 15

Potatoes gonna Potate,

Haters gonna Hate,

and Taters gonna Tate.

Lovers gonna Love,

Losers gonna Lose,

And Laila's gonna Lail.

It's only nonsense, tis true,

But nonsense would be more fun,

If it was nonsense with you.


Hey there! I just wanted to thank everyone who's read my poems so far. I know they're not exactly "conventional" rhyming poems, but I wanted to try something different. Just some free write poems, although some of them have some rhyming or other literary devices

And I hope you guys like this poem. It's something a bit happier than my other poems. Sometimes I scare myself with how depressing they are. And then I want to delete them all. And then someone reads it, and tells me they like it. So yeah. Mind Wars. :p

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