Ronal And Tonowari

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Aonung's POV:

Once me and Neteyam pulled back, we both faced the door seeing...

My father?

He was standing in the doorway. Behind him was my Mother, Jake and Neytiri

A disappointed look camped on his face as he began to walk away

I gently took Neteyam off my lap and stood up quickly.

My mother scowled at me, looking away.

"Aonung. You disappoint me" She said before turning around and attempting to follow after my father.

"Mother please..." I tried to speak up, walking after her.

She stopped in her tracks.

I stood quietly, tears forming in my eyes.

"You are not my son." She said, turning around to face me.

"You are a disgrace!" She shouted out, pointing at Neteyam.

"You allowed this half breed to seduce you!" She said, walking up to Neteyam

"Stay away from Aonung" She said, poking Neteyam in the chest.

Neteyam looked down, being pushed back by the force.

Jake stood in between the two, moving Mother out of the way.

"You don't touch my son" Jake said, standing in front of Neteyam.

"Mother, please do not blame Neteyam for this." I said, tears slowly dripping down my cheeks

She quickly turned her head to face me.

"Do not call me your Mother!" She shouted, approaching me.

"No son of mine will be kissing a demon blood! A boy at that!" She screamed out, raising her hand

Just before she was about to hit me, she was stopped by someone else.


"Enough Ronal" She said, letting go of her wrist.

My mother scoffed and walked out furiously.

As I watched her leave, I broke out into tears, falling to the ground and covering my face with my hands.

Neteyam rushed up to me, caressing me so gently.

I cried into his arms, letting my guard down and hugging back.

Neteyam's POV:

I held Aonung in my arms, my shoulder wet from his tears.

I held his head still, his cries echoing through my ears.

I hated seeing him like this.

Seeing him so vulnerable,

Seeing him so miserable...

My father slowly approached us, resting a hand on Aonung's shoulder.

"It's okay kid. Don't stress about this kind of stuff. You can stay with us for the night" My father, explained, crouching down next to us.

Aonung silenced his cries for a moment and looked him in the eyes.

I heard a sniffle before he answered.

"Thank you sir. That would mean a lot to me." 

My father looked up at me and I forced an appreciative smile, nodding and drawing my attention back to Aonung.

I watched as my father stood up, whispering something to my mother.

She sighed and nodded, gesturing for us to stand up.

I gently tapped Aonung on the back and we both stood up, not letting go of one another.

"Come on then, it's getting late" My father said, walking out

Aonung slowly loosened his grip on me and began to walk out.

Once we had left the hut, we had let go of each other completely.

As we walked along the shore, neither of us said a word.

It wasn't silent because of all the talking and screaming from the other Na'vi on the beach.

Upon reaching the sanctuary, my father gestured that we sit down together in my corner.

Lo'ak and Tuk looked at us confused, probably wondering why Aonung was here.

"Aonung will be staying with us for a few days" My father announced, looking down at my siblings.

"Make him comfortable" He said in a hushed tone, looking specifically at Kiri and Lo'ak.

"Yes sir" Lo'ak replied, nodding slightly.

----Chapter 16 end----

I'm so sorry for the angst in this chapter guys :(

What do you think will happen next??

And how are you guys liking the story so far?? I'm planning on ending it soon and starting another one. If you guys don't want me to, and want me to drag this story on longer, that's absolutely fine :)

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