Together Again

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Neteyam's POV:

My head was pounding.

My legs were weak and my heart was beating like crazy.

I attempted to sit up but was met with a sharp pain in my side.

"Ugh...Fuck" I silently said to myself, holding my side in pain.

I couldn't remember a thing.

What happened?

I was just underwater a few minutes ago?

The pain was quickly traveling through my whole body.

I didn't care though, I needed answers.

I tried my hardest to stand up but failed the first few times.

On my fourth attempt, I finally stuck the landing and held onto the sanctuary walls.

I slowly made my way through the sanctuary, my free hand not leaving the walls for a second.

I was almost to the door when I heard something.

"Neteyam?" A voice asked

I looked up, seeing a light blue Na'vi with large hands and a thick tail.

"Y-You're..." The Na'vi hesitated.

"Fuck...Am I dreaming?" The Na'vi laughed out, a wide grin on their face.

The Na'vi's hair was tied in a tight bun and he was pretty tall.

It was almost impossible to find someone my age who was taller than me these days.

I squinted at him for a few moments, trying to figure out who it was.

Unfortunately, the sun behind them was blinding me and I still couldn't tell who it was.

I put my arm over my eyes, attempting to see who this Na'vi was.

"Oh, shit...sorry" The Na'vi spoke up, walking out of the sunlight and getting closer to me.

I could see who it was now.

I squinted even harder at him, asking a simple question.

"Who are you?"

Aonung's POV:

My heart sunk hearing those words.

It felt like my breath was taken away.

Like I was going to break down right there.

I looked down in disbelief. 

I was about to say something to him when I heard chuckling.

My head instantly shot up, seeing Neteyam laughing at me.

"What's so funny?" I asked, staring at him in complete confusion.

"I'm joking" He replied, slowly silencing his laughs

"Hi Aonung"

I didn't know what to say.

Should I be mad he played me?

Instead of thinking about it anymore, I picked him up by the waist and slammed him against the wall.

He wrapped his legs around me, his arms holding onto my neck.

"Excited much?" He said, giggling at me.

It felt so good to hear his voice after all this time.

To see him laughing.

"I missed you so much" I said, pulling him down into a kiss.

I did miss him.

It had been too long...

I missed everything about him.

Suddenly, he pulled back, grabbing his side.

"Fuck this hurts" He said, looking down at his wound.

"Sorry" I said, putting him down gently. 

"What happened?" He asked, looking up at me

I hesitated.

"We almost lost you" I replied, sympathy in my eyes.

"Lost me?" He asked, staring at me.

"Uh, we went hunting with Rotxo and you got cut. You were poisoned." I said, cupping his cheek in my hand

"It's been so long Neteyam" I said, smiling at him

"Can't have been that long?" He asked, pulling me in by my waist.

"Two months" I replied, my smile fading.

"Two months!?" Neteyam said. He seemed shocked.

"You're joking..." He said, confused.

I simply shook my head.

"Shit" He said, looking down.

"I know" I whispered, tilting his chin up so he faced me again.

"Two months without your touch" I said, smirking at him.

He smiled back.

I bent down, kissing his neck.

I didn't expect much out of it. 

That was until

"Hmm?" I mumbled, looking down.

I could see the bulge in Neteyam's loin cloth.

He looked down as well, confused on why I stopped.

He instantly heated up, crossing his legs and slumping down a bit.

"Sorry" He said, digging his head into my chest.

"Its fine" I whispered into his ear

But we couldn't.

Not here. Not now.

He had just woken up after all.

I backed up a bit, going to fix up his bed.

Neteyam looked confused.

I felt his eyes follow me as I walked back and forth.

I began to clean up his side of the hut when

"That's it?" He asked, staring at me expectantly.

"Hmmm?" I asked, looking over at him.

I saw the blush creep onto his cheeks as he slowly walked over to me.

He grabbed my neck and dragged me down, whispering into my ear.

"You're not gonna touch me?" He said, his hand slowly falling down to my crotch.

I tried to fight back.

"Fuck Neteyam" I said, grabbing his wrist.

"Keep going and you won't be able to walk tomorrow."

Neteyam smirked at me.

"I'm fine with that" He said, pulling me closer.

I chuckled and looked him in the eyes.

"You asked for it" I said, licking my lips.

----Chapter 24 end----

Okay, I know you guys 100% freaked out when you saw the "Neteyam POV" At the start.

Leaving you guys on a cliff hanger cause I can :)

Also, I am genuinely curious. If you have any ideas for my next AONUNETE book, please DM me or comment on the story.

Love you guys and keep safe :)

Your Beautiful eyes (Neteyam X Aonung)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant