Aru And Unborn

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Aonung's POV:

I woke up to a sleeping Neteyam. He was laying on his side, facing me. His eyes seemed glued shut while he slowly breathed in and out.

Instead of getting up, I simply watched Neteyam peacefully sleep. He was so unbearably beautiful. Even after years of being with him, it all still feels like a dream. I still can't believe that every morning, I'm met with the same perfect Na'vi.

It might have been a good hour or so before Neteyam started to groan, his eyes fluttering open by themselves and his body scooting closer to me.

"Mhmm...Morning" He mumbled, a low yawn following after. I smiled at the thought of him being so clingy and wrapped my arms around his torso, pulling him into a warm hug

"Good morning, love" I replied, resting my head on top of Neteyams

"Love?" He asked, snickering against my chest. We hardly ever used pet names, but today I was feeling exceptionally generous.

"What? You want me to go back to plain old Neteyam?" I asked, taking my chin off Neteyams head and looking down at him

"No, no. You've just never used that one so early in the morning" He answered, closing his eyes again and letting out a rather big yawn

"Well then, should we get up?" I asked, smiling at how tired he was. Normally, he was the one pulling me out of bed when I wanted to sleep more

"No. Please, lets just sleep a little more" He responded, his voice still full of sleep and his hair covering his face. I chuckled at his reaction, raising my hand and slowly brushing one of his long braids out of his eyes, tucking it behind his ear.

"Come on, we have work to do" I said, holding his face in my hand and slowly caressing his cheek.

"But I'm so tired" He whimpered, frowning and pulling the sheets up more. I let out another quiet laugh at how childish he was being.

"Please, Aonung. Just a few more minutes" He begged, taking his hands off of me and balling himself up. I hesitated before letting out a small sigh

"Fine, a couple more minutes. Then we're getting up" I reassured, bringing him back into a hug.

"Yesss! You're the best boyfriend ever" He replied, giving into the hug.

"Husband" I corrected, laughing yet again

"Oh shit, that's right" He replied, laughing as well and pulling me down into a quick kiss.

Every now and then, this would happen. We're both too tired to get up, so we just relax in each others embrace. Today felt different though. Like there was a reason I was so eager to get up. I couldn't think of anything, so I gave into Neteyam's begging, holding him close and closing my eyes again.

It might have been a few minutes before we heard loud giggle coming from our living room. There was no doubt Neteyam heard it. I was about to stand up to investigate when Neteyam pulled my me back down into a very, very tight hug.

"No. Probably just the young Na'vi playing pranks on you again" He quietly said, holding me in place so I couldn't get up.

I always wondered how Neteyam was so strong. It was actually kind of freaky. The fact that I babyed such a strong, confident man for ten years was terrifying.

I fought back, explaining how even if it were a prank, they shouldn't be inside our house, but Neteyam couldn't have cared less. We kept bickering back and forth until we heard someone shouting

"Neteyam! Wake up!" We heard from the kitchen. It sounded like a man's voice. I couldn't quite make out who exactly it might have been, but Neteyam seemed to realise almost immediately.

Neteyam slumped down into the bed, holding his head in his hands and groaning.

"Jesus Christ. It is way too early to deal with him right now" He mumbled. Neteyam explained the concept of the saying 'Jesus Christ' to me a while back since he said it so much. It was a human saying which basically meant 'fuck'

"Aonung! Don't make me come in there!" A woman's voice. Again, I couldn't hear them very well, but I could still make out faint giggling.

"So, can I check now?" I asked, looking down at Neteyam who still had his face buried in his hands. He nodded, staying balled up and scooting over so I could get past him.

I planted a quick kiss on his forehead before standing up and walking towards the living room. Once I reached the living room, I was greeted by Aru playing with seashells on the ground.

Aru came over very regularly when Lo'ak needed something off us or if Tsireya wanted to speak with Neteyam and I. So, we made sure there were more than enough toys to satisfy Aru while we did what we called 'Big people talk'

Her ears perked up and her eyes locked with mine as I stepped closer, kneeling down a few feet in front of her and smiling. Her smile grew brighter than ever seeing me, dropping her toys and running towards me.

I embraced her in a warm hug, laughing and picking her up. I swung her around in the air. It was her favorite thing to do. She giggled uncontrollably, putting her hands in the air and swaying her legs. Once I placed her down, she was jumping with excitement.

"Uncle Aonung! Momma and Daddy said I can spend the day with you and Uncle Teyam!!" She excitedly explained, almost unable to tell me through her giggles.

Aru was a very energetic child. Much more energetic than most. She would always do this thing where she fiddles around while talking, or go on rants about some of the randomest things I've ever heard of. But, we all adjusted, loving Aru regardless of her excitement. Because to us, she was perfect just the way she was.

"Wow! Are you excited?" I asked, taking her hand and leading her to the kitchen where I assumed her mother and father would be.

"Yes, yes, yes!! I can't wait!" She exclaimed, skipping her way to where the voices of Lo'ak and Tsireya were.

As we reached the kitchen, I saw Lo'ak mixing what seemed to be a type of tea. Tsireya was standing beside him, holding her stomach and talking with him about something I couldn't quite make out.

Aru lead me over to the pair, running up to Tsireya and holding her stomach as well. I found it wholesome watching Aru hold her future baby sibling in her hands. Lo'ak spotted me, laying down the spoon and handing me the small mug.

"Neteyam awake yet?" He asked, picking up his own cup and taking a small sip.

"Not sure. I think he wanted to sleep a bit more" I answered, taking a sip of my own tea.

Lo'ak simply nodded in understanding, turning to Tsireya who was beaming with joy as Aru let out a few 'ooh's' and 'aah's' as she felt around Tsireya's rather large baby bump.

I placed my cup down, walking over to Tsireya and smiling at her. She smiled back as she took my hand, slowly and gently placing it on her stomach. It was a while before I felt a small kick against my palm. I smiled at the feeling, knowing this child will have parents who love them and an amazing older sister.

"They're quite feisty today" Tsireya explained, her bright smile never leaving her face. I nodded in agreement, taking my hand back and looking over to Lo'ak

"But let's wait awhile till the third" I instructed, hinting to Lo'ak. He rolled his eyes, nudging me out of the way and holding Tsireya in his arms.

"What do you say? A third?" He asked Tsireya. I smiled again, heading to the bedroom to wake up Neteyam.

---Chapter 37 end---

This is insane!! Thank you all so so so very much for 20k views! I've never really check, so this is incredible!

Thank you all for the support on not only this story, but my two others! It seriously means a lot to me!! :)

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