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You wake up and look at your clock. It's 6:45 AM. You have an hour before you need to be at work. You jump out of the bed and run to the restroom to start getting ready. While you were brushing your teeth you accidentally knock over the air freshener.

Niall jumps up, "(Y/N)" he yells out confused about what the noise was.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you!" You yell from the restroom after spitting out the foamy toothpaste.

Niall gets out of bed and goes into the restroom. He wraps his arms around your waist as you apply your foundation. "(Y/N)" Niall whines, "Please don't leave, I haven't had any time to spend with you all week because you've been going to work really early and coming home late and going straight to bed"

You turn your head to face Niall and kiss his lips. "I'm sorry babe but know I have to go to work."

"You don't have to" Niall protest. "Just call in sick"

"I'm not sick, and I'm not going to lie to my boss for you" I say laughing at Niall.

He unwraps his arms from around me and goes back into the bedroom. A few minutes later, I hear "Hello... Yes ma'am, (Y/N) isn't feeling to well today and she just wanted to let you guys know she isn't coming today... Yeah I know... Thank you and have a nice day" Niall hangs up the phone and walks back into the restroom.

"You little butthead" you say playfully punching Niall in the arm. He just laughs and shrugs. "Well I guess there's no need to put any clothes on" you say putting your outfit back in the closet.

Niall picks you up and slings you over his shoulder "LAZY DAY" he yells as he runs down stairs with you over his shoulder.

You're laughing uncontrollably as he throws you on that couch. "I'm sort of glad you called in for me, I really didn't want to go to work today" you admit

Niall laughs "I knew you didn't babe, that's why I called"

You smirk at Niall "Yeah that's why you call" you say mocking Niall.

He gets up and jogs to the kitchen while you turn your tv on. Niall returns with two arms full of snacks and drinks. You laugh as he drops three things on his way to the couch. "Did you get enough?" You ask walking over to pick up the snacks he dropped.

"Nah, I don't think I did?" Niall jokes poking your side making you giggle.

Niall grabs the remote and turns the tv to a movie channel. You both watch the movie while eating snacks. While the movie is playing Niall reaches over and pokes your nose "I love you darling"

You repeat his actions "I love you too, pumpkin" you say giggling

"Your laugh is so cute" Niall says amused by your laugh

You blush "Just watch the movie Ni" you say pecking his cheek.

After the movie is over and half of the snacks are gone, Niall pulls you into his lap. "Good movie eh?" Niall ask

You nod, turning your body so you're straddling his lap. And lay your head on his chest.

"You comfortable?" Niall chuckles. You nod again before dosing off to sleep.

When you wake up. You smell food cooking. You walk into the kitchen and see Niall making raviolis as tomato sauce simmers in a pot near by. "Smells delicious" you say making Niall jump a little.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty" Niall says as you walk towards him to see what he's doing. "I figured you'd be hungry when you wake up so I decided to cook" Niall beams, "Hope you like Italian"

Niall Horan imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now