Lizbeth no request

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Niall:When Niall gets jealous he gets protective. He’ll constantly stare the guy down who gets too close to you. You hate when Niall gets jealous so you always tell him to stand down. He’ll listen to you but once again he’ll be right next to you again. He’ll constantly try to touch you to tell the guy that you’re off limits, whether it’s wrapping his arms around your waist or shoulders. Holding your hand, or even kissing you. You finally get annoyed and say goodbye to the man and reassure Niall that he doesn’t need to be jealous. He shrugs his shoulder and replies, “can’t help it.”

Liam:Liam rarely gets jealous and when he does it upsets him. He knows that you love him and only him but sometimes he gets insecure when you show another man attention. Usually when he gets jealous he’ll leave your side and go find a quiet place to calm down or go find one of his friends. When you realize that he’s missing from your side you go and find him. Once you do you tell him that you’re sorry for putting him in that situation and that you love him. You rub his back and give him small pecks. Once he has calmed down he’ll give you a passionate kiss, thanking you for being an amazing girlfriend. 

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