For Jennifer

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Hi Leslie I can't believe that to day is the Harvest Dance! Yeah Yeah  Jennifer. So  who are you going to the dance with ? I don't know Jennifer who are you going with? I'm going with Ross Lynch you know the one from my math  class. I'm going with Niall he's my boyfriend duh.. So I guess we're going to the mall  and we can go find our dresses. So that afternoon Leslie and Jennifer went to the mall. Leslie that dress looks so pretty on you.  Niall is going to love it because the blue dress matches  his color eyes. Jennifer oh my gosh that dress is so pretty on you it matches with your pink flats you have. Wait who is going to  pick us up first.Ross is and Niall is going with him. Ok we will meet her at my house Leslie. Ok Jennifer. It was 7:44pm till dance.
Leslie phone call with Niall

Niall- Hey beautiful

Leslie- Hey Nialler

Niall-tell Jennifer to go really good

Leslie- Niall you better not have a crush on her!?!

Niall- Leslie I would never have a crush on her because Ross is going to as her to be his girlfriend.

Leslie - wow Niall. I have to go but I MISS YOU LOVE.

Niall- Same her. BABE.

When the boys arrived Leslie went to go kiss Niall. Ross just gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek.  When we arrived Leslie and Niall went to the dance floor.  On the other hand me and Ross went to a quiet spot. Jennifer can I ask you a important question?  Yeah Ross go ahead.  Will you make me the happiest person alive if you would become my girlfriend.  Umm.....I would love to be your girlfriend.  We all danced the Night away with our dates♡♡♡♡

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