Last chapter/I love you

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You and Niall had been best friends for years, and two years ago you started to go out. You owed a flat right outside of London, and today was your 2 year anniversary. He had gotten back home from rehearsal while you were at work when you got a text saying:

"Hey Princess, I hope you're excited for tonight I will see you when you get back."

You knew perfectly well that tonight, for your 2 year anniversary you were going to do it for the first time. The day at work couldn't have gone any slower, but once the clock hit 5 p.m., you left your desk and drove back to your flat, you heart was beating so loudly from nerves and excitement. You got home and walked through the door and in your living room you saw Niall and he came running up to you and lifted you into his arms as he said:

"Happy Anniversary Y/N!"

"Happy Anniversary to you too Niall. I love you!" you said laughing. You looked down at him and you two started kissing. He set you on the kitchen counter as you two continued to kiss, his hands going up and down your legs. You too slowed down and between short quick breaths he said:

"So princess, I was thinking of making pizza together?"

So you two got out all the ingredients you needed and started listening to music and made your dinner. The song Kiss You came on as he walked out to grab some things for you to drink and so you started to sing and dance along to the song. You were using the spoon as a microphone and were singing your heart out, then you were frozen stiff when you heard someone laugh behind you. And there he was, your boyfriend laughing as he had been watching you sing and dance during the whole song. He came up and wrapped his arms around your waist and started kissing your neck, and then he saw that you were holding the spoon that you were using to make the sauce and he started to lick it all off.

You started to laugh at that, and through singing, laughing, and kissing, you both eventually finished making a pizza and enjoyed that out on the balcony. After dinner, you guys cleaned up the kitchen and then you watched a movie together as he played with your hair and you traced circles on his legs with your fingers. When the movie was over, you decided to take a shower before you celebrated the rest of the night.

After you finished with your shower, you dried yourself off with your towel and then you put on one of his t-shirts and some pajama shorts. When you walked out of the bathroom, you saw red rose petals leading into the hallway. The rose pedals led you back to your balcony again, and Niall was sitting there with a couple pieces of cake and some chocolate covered strawberries. The balcony was decorated with candles and he had his guitar out.

"Ni, this is so beautiful." You said with a smile as you walked over and gave him a kiss.

"I thought that we could eat a little bit more tonight, and I wanted to sing a couple of songs to you."

So after you fed each other all the food that was in front of you, he started playing his guitar and sang the song "Give Me Love" by Ed Sheeran, and the song "Little Things." When he had finished singing, he placed the guitar in its case and brought it inside. Then he came back out and sat down, and you came and sat on his lap and started kissing him. You ran your fingers through his hair as one of his hands went up and down your back and the other went up and down your leg.

Then he picked you up and carried you to the bedroom. He laid you on the bed and he started to take your shirt off. Then you helped him take off his. Between kisses he whispered to you:

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you too Niall."

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I have never been so sure about anything before." You said with a smile.

And with that, all of your clothing was removed and you both laid down in the bed and kissed your way into one of the best nights of your life.

A/N:Well here's the end of my Niall book.Thanks Everyone for giving me ideas:) I want to say thanks to @Nouis_Strikes_Again for being awesome and helping me out. Love you guys and yeah.Dont For get to check out my other books.Thanks loves♡♡

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