You get Kidnapped

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.Niall: You're about to leave your flat to go and meet your boyfriend, Niall. It was dusk, and you don't really want to walk, due to the weird feeling that you've been having lately that you're being watching, but you don't have a choice. Besides, he only lives around the corner. You pull yourself together and exit your flat complex, breathing in the crisp, autumn air. After walking for a little while, you hear footsteps behind you, but you don't pay much attention to it. Suddenly, you feel something being pressed into your back, a barrel of a gun, and a large hand gripping onto your arm roughly, "Make a noise, and I'll shoot," they say. You bite your lip, thinking that this can't be happening to you. You are led to a black van and shoved in, driving away to God knows where. You are taken to what sounds like an abandoned warehouse, bounded and hooded so that you can't move or see a thing. You're placed in a chair and the hood is removed. You're surprised to see a woman standing before you, a crazy look in her eyes, "Hello, (y/n)" she says, tilting her head to the side. You frantically look around, "W-where am I? Why am I here? Who are you?" you ask, frightened. She laughs and inches closer to you, you can practically feel her breath on your face, "You're here because you took him from me," she spits, slapping you across the face, "You took my Niall from me!" She circles around you, and whispers in your ear, causing the hair to rise on the back of your neck, "And I'm going to make you pay," You're here for a week, you think. You couldn't exactly keep track of time. She beats you daily, she even cut your hair in an attempt to make you look hideous to Niall. She's absolutely psycho, but you take it, knowing that he'll find you, you never lose that hope. One day, you hear pounding on the door, right as she was about to pierce your skin with some sort of glass bottle. You look up, barely seeing through your black eyes and tear-filled rims. You see Niall crash through the warehouse door, his face crumpling in pain at the sight of you. Cops trail in behind him, restraining the girl immediately. She's led away as Niall untied you, "(y/n) I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry I didn't get here sooner!" he cries picking you up and carrying you out of that hellhole

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