Mullingar's Bad Boy

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Niall is the bad boy, and you are the good innocent nerd. And things happen :)

your p.o.v.

I walked around school by myself while holding my books into my chest. As I looked around, I took off my glasses tired of wearing them, they made my eyes hurt, and made me dizzy for awhile. Suddenly, I sat down and unpacked my things onto my desk.

" Look who’s here" someone says. I looked to see my bully. Niall Horan. I rolled my eyes secretly so he wouldn’t be able to see. " the nerd of this school" Niall said. " y/n" he added. Everyone looked at me and then chuckled and gave me that, "ew" face. Everyone around Mullingar knew who Niall James Horan was, and it annoyed me how everyone was so afraid of him. He was an asshole. I really want to punch him in the face, but things brought me back. 

Once class started, I swear Niall had his eyes on me the whole time. I felt like I was being stalked by an eagle, more like a monster. Niall’s been bullying me ever last year. I don’t know why, or maybe I do. Is it because I have glasses, and I don’t have any friends or social life? 

* after school *

After school, I got home and finally decided to go to the park. That’s where everyone goes basically to hang out, do drugs secretly, and all that high school stuff. Once I got there, I sat down at a bench and read a book. I smiled at what the boy did for the girl. He saved her because he truly loved her. My eyes locked on the ending of the chapter, until someone grabbed the book and threw it on the ground. I looked at who in the world did this.

" Hey y/n.." he says. Niall. Niall freaking Horan. " Enjoying the book you’re reading?" he asked chuckling. Everyone around laughed and I had enough of this. " Niall.. Niall James Horan.. you are one douchebag, and I’m proud of saying that, and yes, I was enjoying that book very well, until you brung your little ass over here and threw that book on the ground, you know what, you think you’re so freaking cool because you bully people and make them feel bad, you think throwing that book on the ground means nothing, well, it does to me, treat a book like you would treat a human, but i don’t even think you’re a human ,you’ve always been a monster, and nothing can change my mind about that, i’ve had enough of your bullshit, and i’ve also had enough of all these people who are so freaking afraid of you, and support you, they are all little asses just like you" I said. After that, Niall was left speechless. Everyone around me was like" what the fuck just happened". I then looked at everyone awkwardly. I coughed. " well, uh.. i’ll be going everyone.. bye, i’m just a nerd" I said looking at Niall when I said, Nerd. I then head off holding the book that he threw to the ground. 

Later that night, I snuck out of the house to go to the party at Niall’s friend’s house. Liam Payne. He always treated me like a human being. I liked that. 

" So? I heard you said something to Niall this afternoon at the park y/n" Liam said giving me water. He knew I didn’t like to drink alcohol. I laughed. " yeah, I couldn’t hold it in any longer you know? i’ve had enough of his bs" I said. Liam laughed. " There’s some things that you don’t know y/n" he said. I cocked an eyebrow. " like what? what things do I not know about Mullingar’s bad boy?" I asked. Liam then sighs. He whispered into my ear what I didn’t know, and I choked on my water.

Niall’s p.o.v.

I watched from afar as Liam whispers into y/n’s ear. I feel myself burning on fire. She chokes on her water and then says something to him, I couldn’t hear clearly though. Liam laughs and she does. ” No way” she says. He nods, ” yes way”. I wonder what they were talking about. 

your p.o.v.

" Niall liked you ever since last year, he’s been bullying you because he was jealous of you, of how you worked so hard, and got good grades, and how you were with me most of the time, i bet if he was looking right now, he’d be jealous" Liam said. 

I laughed. ” No way” I said. He nods, “yes way.” I then chuckle even more. Niall, that monster actually liked me. ” Excuse me, but I need to take her out for awhile” Niall says grabbing me tightly. We head out and then I dropped my water. 

" What is it?" I asked. " You and Liam huh?" he asked. " Its not like me and you are gonna work out" I blurted. Niall then pushes me harshly against the wall. I was now scared. I closed my eyes, they were still closed shut. I slowly opened then, seeing that Niall was looking at me.

" Why can’t you understand that I was always watching you from afar.. why can’t you understand that I actually am a human being with feelings, i’m not a monster, i made you see me as a monster, and i fucking regret that y/n.. you know you mean every little thing to me, and earlier, you hurt me badly" Niall says. He then drops down to his knees and sits up on the brick wall. He sighs and I was still standing up looking down at him. I sat down nervously.

" I don’t get it.. why bully me when you know you like me?" I asked him. He shook his head. " I was stupid.. I am stupid actually.." Niall said. I sighed. 

" you don’t know how much suffering i went through niall, I didn’t even wanna live for a week, I was so afraid of going to school, I was always waiting for someone to call me a slut, whore, a bitch, or someone who did something horribly wrong.. i was waiting for myself to fall into pieces, and i did when i got home, you put me through a lot.. " I said almost crying. I looked away, and Niall then says, " well, i’m sorry, the bad boy of Mullingar is truly sorry y/n" he said. I looked at him and got up.

He got up after me. ” Whatever.. I accept your apology, but.. I don’t know..” I replied. I was walking away, and as soon as I did, I felt Niall hold me back with a hug from behind. ” Don’t you dare move.. please don’t move.. since you accepted my apology, will you accept my heart?” he asked me. I sighed and breathed. All thoughts were surrounding my head.

" Fine.. fine.." I said. Niall then makes me turn around. He smiles and leans in, I closed my eyes, and he kisses my forehead. 

" Thanks for not kissing my lips Niall" I said. He nods. 

Mullingar’s Bad Boy I guess isn’t so bad after all.

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