My thoughts in life

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Our lives are never perfect and don't ever say "my life is perfect because I have no flaws."When realty hits you, you will know because one tear falls down your cheek. Don't ever be someone that your not because life is filled with opportunities and opportunities come when you are your selves. My life isn't perfect at all. Why you  may ask? My mom and dad were never there for me. I had to learn my way through every situation I had come face to. If  I could change anything about my life it would always be moving away.  Again why would I say that.  Well because I always wanted to break free from all of my family's errors.  My dreams were crushed from all of the pain I had gone through and my life sometimes sucks. My deepest crush knew that I liked him now I regret saying anything to him or anyone . He asked me out but he denies it so I don't care. Now all I wonder if I should have said yes? When my life drifts away maybe my last and deepest words will be *I NEVER GAVE UP DID I*  Well I hope my sad lame words didn't break you into tears like it did to me.

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