For Lizbeth not really a niall horan imagines

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Lizbeth can I ask you a little question.Yeah of course Liam. Do you want to be my girlfriend?? Umm I  would love to be your girlfriend !! Well princess we can go out on Saturday night and watch IF I STAY.  Umm I have plans with my friend Harry. Ok princess.  It was Saturday Harry had just walked in.  Hey lizbeth he said in the most worried voice. What's wrong you sound so worried you said. Lizbeth if I tell you something promise me that you won't get mad. Ok Harry.  I have ... well I always have had a big big crush on you and please don't be afraid to tell me what you are thinking of.  Well Harry I only think of you as a friend and I do have a small crush on you but I am with Liam and I won't cheat with him so I am so sorry . Harry got up to answer the door and it was Liam. Harry began to punch Liam because he was mad that you rejected him. HARRY STOP BEING SO MAD THAT I REJECTED YOU. He just started to cry.  And Liam got up from the floor and then began to  hug you. All that Harry could say was "Lizbeth I know he will make you cry when you to break up and when you call me my arms will be open for you". A month later Liam broke up with you and all you could say was Harry was right all along .

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