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I took this prompt a bit differently with each boy, as I saw fit. Some are second person, some are first person, and some are from the boy’s point of view. Hope you like them.

Niall:  You’re sound asleep when suddenly you’re being tugged backwards and held against something incredibly warm. In your groggy, sleepy mind, you manage to register that this is not normal. You wake up enough to turn your head and see your fiancé, Niall, with eyes full of fear. “Baby, what is it? What’s wrong?” you ask, sitting up and wrapping your arms around him. He takes a deep, shuddering breath before answering, “I just-” he stops and tries again, “I had a horrible nightmare of you getting in a car crash. You… You didn’t make it…” He buries his blonde head into your chest, holding you close and squeezing you tight. “Sshh,” you say as you rub your hands across the back of his head. “I’m here. Nothing happened, love. I’m right here.” His blue eyes peek out and look up at you. “But what if something did, [Y/N]? What if I do lose you? Not just in a car accident, but just lose you, period. What would I do?” his Irish accent became stronger as he thought of the thing he feared most. “Don’t worry,” you whisper, kissing his nose, “No matter what happens in this life, we’ll find each other again.” He gives you a questioning look. “We’re soul mates,” you say simply, “We’ll find a way to be together, always.” Niall kisses your lips and rests his head on your chest. “That helps. Thank you, princess.”

Harry:  Your cell phone rings, and you look over to see who it is. “Haz <3” comes up on the screen, and your rush to answer it. “Love, what’s up? It’s like four in the morning over there,” you say, wondering what in the world would have Harry calling you this late. You get no response. “Harry?” you ask again, this time becoming worried. “Baby, what is it? Are you alright?” your voice starts becoming frantic. Why isn’t he answering you?! Finally, you hear him sigh and sniffle. “I… I just really needed to make sure you were okay,” he answers at last. “And why would you need to do that, honey? What happened?” you relax slightly, settling back in your chair. He hesitates again before replying, “I, uh, I had a nightmare. And, erm, we… we were kidnapped by some guy. And he-” Harry breaks off, and you hear a muffled sob. “Harry, tell me what happened. Please?” you encourage him. Once he composed himself, he continued, “The man, uh, he tied me up and made me watch as he… raped… and tortured you. I tried so hard to stop him, but I couldn’t get out of the chains.” You gasp and feel tears prick your eyes. “Oh my God, baby.” Harry sniffles again before finishing the story, “He ended up k-killing you and made me watch the entire thing before he killed me, too. Oh, God, honey. I swear if anyone were to ever tried to do something like that to you…” his voice trailed off. You wipe away the tear that rested on your cheek. “Harry, I know. I know you would do anything and everything you could to stop it.” He mumbles, “Good,” before blowing his nose. “I love you, Haz,” you say softly. “I love you, too, [Y/N]. “Could you talk to me some more?  Just until I fall asleep?” You smile a little at his request. “Of course, love. How is the tour coming?”

Liam:  I looked over at her sleeping form, curled up in the blanket. She was so fragile. So easily shattered like glass on the floor. The nightmare that woke me up played back in my head again. My baby girl, the woman I loved with all of my heart, lost to cancer. The tears started up again, but I quickly wiped them away. I knew waking [Y/N] up wouldn’t do her any favors. She would just get worked up over nothing and tell me that everything was fine. And I know that. I know it’s all fine now… But what about the future? What if somewhere along the road, a week, a month, six months, a year, five or ten or twenty years, what if something happens, like cancer, to take her from me? What if we have kids, and they have to be raised by only me? How can I deal without my other half? I sigh and lean over to brush some hair out of her face. [Y/N] always looks so peaceful when she’s sleeping. Like nothing can hurt her. If only that was true. If only I could be her Batman for real instead of just pretend like she says all the time. I lie back on the bed and cross my arms under my head. With all of these thoughts in my head, it’s going to be a long night.

Louis:   You were sitting in the living room watching TV when you hear screaming coming from your bedroom. Instantly terrified, you take off at a sprint up the stairs and into the room. You find Louis still sleeping but obviously having a horrible nightmare. His body is shaking, covered in sweat, and a tangled mess in the sheets. You gently lay your hand on his cheek and use the other to shake his shoulder. He startles awake, scrambling to sit upright and get his bearings. When he sees you there, he grabs you and pulls you into the tightest hug you’ve ever had in your life. “Baby…” you attempt to say. He continues to hold you to him and rock back and forth a little, as if calming a baby. “Lou,” you try again. This time he hears you, but doesn’t loosen his grip. “Oh, [Y/N], I thought I’d lost you! Don’t you ever do that to me again!” he chastises you before letting you go and kissing you soundly. You get your breath back and rub your ribs, which will probably be bruised tomorrow, thanks to that death-grip hug. “Can you at least tell me what I did before I go making promises to not do things?” you tease, attempting to lighten the mood a bit. “You can no longer go on trains, or ride in cars, or ride a skateboard, or go rollerblading, or bowling, or…” he stopped to think for a second, “do anything aside from sit right here next to me for the rest of your life, okay?” Lou looks up at you, completely serious, and you smile a little. “Alright, I promise. So long as we can still have sex,” comes your witty reply. His eyes brighten up a bit at that, and he kisses you again. “Oh, we can always do that, [Y/N]. On a train, or in a car, or on a skateboard…” You try to hide the smile creeping across your face, but you fail miserably. “Ah!” Louis cheers, “I see you’re up for that then! Let me check my planner…”

Zayn:  I was sleeping peacefully, minding my own business, when I feel something a bit scratchy against my face. I swat at it, trying to get it to go away, but this time it’s back with something wet. Waking up slowly, I see whiskey-colored eyes and a scruffy face staring back at me. “Zayn, what is it?” I grumble, trying to roll back over and go to sleep. “It’s nothing, [Y/N], I just want you to cuddle and talk with me,” he whispers against my temple as he kisses it. Sighing, I flip over and scoot into his arms. My head hits the spot just above his heartbeat, and I smile contentedly. Hearing his heartbeat used to be the only way I could go to sleep. “Okay, babe, what should we talk about?” I ask as he looks down at me. “Anything. Everyhing. Let’s just talk. Please, boo,” he answers vaguely. “Okay…” I say, clearly fishing for answers as to why he’s doing this in the middle of the night. “Do you want to talk about what’s got you up?” He shakes his head in the negative and holds me closer. “Alright, then, how about we discuss your upcoming tour?” Again, he shakes his head “no.” I sigh and look deep into his eyes, trying to decipher what’s going on in that brain of his. “Why don’t you just hold me until we both fall asleep then? Sound good?” This time I get a nod of approval, so I lean my head back down. I listen to his heartbeat and rub his back until I drift off to the land of dreams, once again.

Lou and Harry kind of got away from

me on this one. Hope you like them! Send me some more preference requests in my ask box, and I’ll get right on them. xoxo <3

Niall Horan imaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ