For @dianieniall

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Imagine your best friend Niall had just picked you up from school. You were both sitting in his car, awkwardly, which was weird. You could tell that he was nervous.

“Ni?” you say to him after about 5 minutes of driving in silence. You were almost at his house, but you didn’t want this to continue into the evening.

“Yeah Stephanie?” he answers, not looking at you as he pulled into his drive-way.

“What’s wrong?” you ask him. He took a deep breath.

“Remember that movie we watched yesterday?” he gushed out. You nodded, “And remember when you were saying that you wanted a guy like that? Someone who loved you more than anything in the the world? Remember?”

He stopped, and looked over at you, nervously, biting his nail. You nodded slowly, giving him a confused look.

“I know someone… who loves you…More that anything in this world. All he wants to do..this guys I mean.. is kiss you. Those eyes.. are all he thinks about. All he wants to do is rap his arms around you and keep you safe,” he says quickly.

You smile, “Sure you do.”

He sighs and gets out of the car, heading towards the door. You follow him.

You get into his house, rest your bag on the floor and head over towards the living room.

“If this guy really exists though, you should-” you stop when you see him standing there holding his guitar, and looking at you with huge, anxious eyes. “What are you-“

He cuts you off by strumming his fingers against his guitar.

“Settle down with me..” he begins, his voice more strong and passionate than you had ever heard him before. He keeps singing, only looking up at you when he sings the lines, “I’m falling for your eyes, but they don’t know me yet.”

Somewhere between all of that something just clicks and you finally understand what he’s getting at. You don’t wait for him to finish, you just run into his arms and hug him.

You hear him laugh and he hugs you back, resting his guitar aside.

“I love you, Niall,” you whisper and look up at him.

“I love you, Stephanie” he replies, leaning over and pressing his lips into yours.  He pulls away and smiles, “I’ve wanted to do that for so long

Niall Horan imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now