I just can't no more

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Mia's pov :

Niall and me have been camping for maybe for 3 weeks now. I have always been the most happiest girl,I was like a little girl walking in to a candy shop. But lately I have been feeling down. I've been with Niall for 3 months and he's just the best. I hate how he makes me feel special when I'm not.
Suicide thoughts

"I just can't. No if I do this Niall will be heart broken but he can always find someone new. If I kill myself no one will care only Niall will. But who cares. I'm worthless and I hate myself for even living. But Niall is special and sweet to me. AHH I CAN'T!!!!" I shouted in the bathroom. "MIA ARE YOU UP THERE?" My sweet boyfriend yelled. "Now is my chance Mia you can do it just pull the trigger and everything will be gone forever and ever. I put the gun against my heart knowing I will be gone in seconds. Suddenly the door just slammed open. I saw a scared Niall. "Mia put the gun down we can solve this and we can figure everything out ok just don't pull that trigger" Niall tried to get me to understand. All of the sudden Niall tried to get a hold of me. But something worse happened I shot him in his stomach. "OH MY GOD NIALL I'M SO SORRY WE NEED TO TAKE YOU TO THE DOCTOR!!!" I started yelling ." We won't get a hold of them here in the forest. Mia look take me to the camp site. They have an infirmary there" Niall said so weak. I look around try and find tweezers to get the bullet out of his stomach. I found some in a black box next to cotton balls I got so many things to get Niall stable again. But things got worse Niall started to bleed. It was like a water fall of blood. " Niall I'm going to fixs this ok" I said crying. "Mia whatever happens I will always love you" he said so weak. I heard a car noise outside.I saw two men. "EXUSE ME BUT I NEED HELP MY BOYFRIEND IS BLEEDING BADLY PLEASE HELP ME. I DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME TO SAVE HIM" I yelled. They started to walk towards me. "I think I can help princess with taking those clothes off hun " the man said. " Yeah hun let's get those clothes off" the other man said. They pinned me against the wall and started to strip me. "Please don't do this sirs" I shouted. " I have to baby " they started laughing. Before I noticed something gave me shivers up my spine. "Uh ... ahh" was the only thing that could come out of my mouth. "Stop it now you two bastards" I heard behind me. One of the men went to that voice while the other was bitting my brused skin. "Help please someone ahh please" I need the new voice to help me. "Mia I'm going to just hold on a sec" it was Niall but how? I turned my head and saw Niall hitting the man. With one last hit Niall would have killed the man. Then he faced me he pulled the man's shirt and threw him to the ground he was hitting so hard. I landed on the ground in pain because what those men did to me. "Mia are you ok baby come on speak" I heard him. "I thought you died Niall" I said so very weak. " I passed out babe. I knew that I couldn't let you down" his voice coed. "Get my clothes and let's, let them rot here. I need to take you to the hospital Niall" I said getting up. " Come on let's get out of her Mia. The hospital isn't that far from here. I love you baby" he said starting the car. "I love you more Nialler" and I just noticed if I die I would lose half of me.

A/n hey guys hope you like that chapter. And I want to thank @If-Im-Louder2010

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